
As Romney lost to the Great Impostor, Trump can lose the General Election to a conspicuously visible Crime Family now controlled by a harridan who wears the pants in the family. He will lose primarily by not analyzing the reality behind his primary victory. That reality says he has the unwavering devotion  of the Truly Pissed Off Generation. Figuratively speaking, this crowd wants the Beltway to implode; and with it, the political leeches, the corporate cronies, the consultant class, the Media lackeys and the bloated Federal bureaucracy. This devoted following is very much like the Consummate Conservative Class that is as uncompromising, strait-laced and self absorbed as any ISIS suicide bomber. Neither group will win alone. Donald can’t survive the Never Trump sulkers unless he appeals to all staunch Americans who respect above all else the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave — above their pet issues, their precious ideologies or their immediate self interest. He won’t win the General Election by taking for granted the members of an essential coalition that will not respond to a careless, flippant, juvenile style. Trump would be wise to study Obama — a man who always sounds Presidential, always measured, unemotional and self assured. Everyone knows he’s a lying Empty Suit, but he appears intelligent and truthful simply through the use of language. That could mean his followers are intensely dense. Yes. Or prejudiced. Yes. All great con men are articulate and believable. So Hillary will follow the identical playbook. When she’s able to control her brassiness, she is well spoken and confident like all good liars. Undeniably, she will continue to execute a classic divide and conquer, class-envy strategy. She will exploit domestic misery and foreign policy turmoil and place blame as if she weren’t at the center of it all. For his part in this American drama, Trump should consider adopting his own disciplined business plan, beginning with a strategic marketing plan. Since he won’t ask you to contribute, you nonetheless will offer him unpaid observations in the way of advice:

Prepare a series of White Papers in the form of Memos. Publish them piecemeal. These would be addressed to specific demographics. From Donald Trump: To: Women, African Americans, Hispanics, Millennials. In these documents, you should be your blunt self, expressing your honest opinions. You should ask for their votes and outline why your Presidency is in their self interest. You should stress that their success is important, not only to them and their families, but to America itself. Say: “America needs you. Come to Her rescue.”

In particular, you should speak publicly and in writing to the Conservative movement that supported Ted Cruz. You should pledge that your big goals are goals to restore America’s time-honored values; and that you will make them and Ted proud.

You should not change your blunt style. But the messages must be fact-based, aimed at specific policies and issues. The message should be yours but get help — the kind you acquired for your books.

By all means, harpoon Hillary; but avoid a style that would evoke sympathy for her among those who would view her a victim. Prepare a comprehensive dossier — one that includes undisputed fact. Force her to defend the indefensible. Don’t be trivial.

Get serious with your platform. You don’t have to give away the store; but you must understand that many, many principled people who want to support you will stay home or write in a loser because they fear your impulsive nature and suspect your unsupported claims.

Jettison your disastrous proclivity for name-calling. Your worshipers don’t care, true. But too many millions do care. You can be funny without being rude or crude. Hillary and her people will dig up dirt that puts you in a bad light. Accept it. You’re not Jesus.

Of all the issues — don’t let Hillary get a pass on Benghazi. Under her watch, she let Americans die. You should say it just like that. “You let Americans die. Do your job and you could have saved them. How do you justify that? Explain that to the people. Explain that to the families of those who died. Explain that to every soldier in uniform today, as you ask them to be their Commander in Chief.”

Donald Trump has an opportunity to make an historic impact on behalf of a great nation — a nation that has been dealt a series of death blows by what amounts to a “Fifth Column” movement. You have seen the Balance of Powers capitulate. You have witnessed the GOP surrender. Will Americans decide that the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution are worth uniting under a businessman who wants to make America great again? He’s the only one to  answer that question.

5 thoughts on “Advice.”

  1. Well said. I am a Trump supporter and relate to your comments. I supported Romney but he did not seem to want to stand up to the left or the right and fight for Capitalism and good old American values but rather cowered to the “race” card when played by both sides. Trump is a fighter and this is good but needs to temper the other factors you mention to succeed. Staying home or writing in some insignificant candidate will not get it and will only assure Hillary of a win.

  2. Dick- This is outstanding. You should at least get into a local paper, space limits not withstanding. This advice could make the difference in his campaign.

  3. Dick your advise for Trump is perfect. He seems to defy voter demographics.

    However you’re right his comments on race, illegal immigration, and other insults cause many voters pause. I think the probability of any Republican being elected is low. Welfare benefits increasing 35%, the number of people on welfare doubling in the last 6 years, real unemployment at 20% plus and they make more money than if they worked, the
    lack of work ethic of the next generation and increased number of stoners stacks the deck for Hillary or Bernie. I don’t know if anybody can beat Santa Claus. Just like alcoholics and drug addicts Americans still have not sunk far enough to care about the enviable financial collapse (of socialism) of America until our currency collapses. Under Hillary or Bernie I predict it only will take one term. LIBOR rates are climbing fast and the interest payments on government debt and impact of printing $1 trillion and more a year will collapse the USD. The middle class took a beating since Obama was elected. Obama wasted the seed money to recover, economic growth of 2% insures collapse and we are out of monetary solutions but we ate the seed money. Just like Ms. Thatcher said “the problem with socialism is you run out of rich people”.

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