Only One Remedy.

The undisputed king of Conservative talk radio is Rush. No argument there. Most of the time his political analysis rests on solid ground. But his recent monologues on the weakness, the feebleness, the cowardice of the GOP were badly flawed, especially for someone who brags daily about his analytical superiority. Like other pundits, Rush said he’s perplexed. He said the GOP finally has political power but doesn’t exercise that power. Why? He surmises the GOP foolishly cares about its image of fair play — and thus chooses to occupy the moral high ground — to avoid media criticism and voter discontent. He claims the GOP doesn’t understand that DEMS have been waging war for decades — he says the GOP doesn’t understand that Democrats never play fair — he says the GOP doesn’t understand that the Democrat Party fights to win at all cost — that the DEMS want to bury the GOP from top to bottom. And like nearly everyone else on the planet, Rush is among those who don’t understand why the GOP doesn’t exercise its muscle, doesn’t strap it on and wage war as the voters commanded them to do with their precious votes. Rush should know better. He should grasp the obvious — that the GOP does in fact “get it.” The GOP is not timid, not spineless. He and everyone else should finally wake up and smell the Truth. The GOP and DEM are not opposition parties in the matter of political governance. They give the appearance of rivals, certainly — like heavyweights in the WWE ring. But after their skirmishes in public, these political “brawlers” laugh it up in private. No matter which party wins or loses, the outcome remains the same — the United States, the people, continue to fall deeper and deeper into astronomical debt, the addicted Federal Government continues to grow larger and larger, continues to print, borrow and spend more dollars to support its habit, and continues to impose ever increasing regulations upon every aspect of American life. You don’t have to be a forensic pathologist to diagnose the evidence of foul play, do you? After all, the evidence isn’t circumstantial. You are an eyewitness. Every year, every quarter of the year, every month of the quarter, you receive an official survey from the National Republican Committee, urging you to participate in supporting GOP “principles” — Balanced Budget, Tax reform, IRS reform, Immigration reform, Healthcare reform, Education reform, Welfare reform, etc. These mailings are bogus. They simply troll for dollars. Every month, every day, in broadcast interviews, GOP officials complain that something needs to be done to restore America’s sacred principles of Limited Government. Yet every day, debt escalates. Unelected Federal bureaucrats stretch their meddling hands into every home, every business, every school, every clinic, every city hall and every State House. The Washington swamp gets deeper and more contaminated, more corrupt. And try as it might, the GOP just doesn’t have the balance of power to act, right? Wrong.  Because the GOP has no intention of solving or changing anything. More Kool Aid anyone? How dumb can you be? Pretty damn dumb if you think electing different people will lead to a different outcome. Under the circumstances, you just might want to investigate reality:

Washington — Congress, SCOTUS, every agency — will never voluntarily reduce its power, size, budget and authority over the States. Washington answers only to money and more power.

The first priority of every elected official is to secure his/her position — power, money, influence, perks, lifetime security. That priority is confirmed by assuring the Federal Government continues to grow,  amassing more power and greater control.

America became the envy of the world as a model of individual liberty, free enterprise and justice before the Law. Millions flocked to the land of opportunity. Meanwhile, Europe and  much of the rest of the world remain under Socialism, Communism, Monarchy and other Autocracies. These countries did not choose to  emulate the American model. That fact should give you a clue.

If the majority of people wanted less government and more liberty, the U.S. wouldn’t be speeding to outright Socialism.

People eventually prefer to give up their Liberty to a powerful Government that secures their basic daily needs. Ruling classes, aristocracies, and caste systems depend on this preference.

Donald Trump is the symbol of everything the Washington oligarchy hates. He represents the robust idea of America, circa 1920. He will not fulfill his promises because the GOP will not let him succeed. Rush was right about one thing. There is a war going on. But it’s not DEM vs. GOP. It’s the DEM, GOP, Media, Fed Bureaucracy and Entertainment Industry vs. Trump and every person who voted for him.

There is one and only one remedy. The Founders, in their genius,  gave it to you.

Article V.

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One thought on “Only One Remedy.”

  1. I some what disagree with your rant. The Republicans that have been running the country were truly RINOS, that is working with the progressives in congress. They need to be replaced with true conservatives who have the depth to fight the right battle and not give lip service and appeasing rhetoric to the voters. Tom Tillis is a good example of a RINO who changed his vote when pressured on the wall. The fiat system of our monetary system and the Federal Reserve but be gone. The new VAT tax approved IRS must be gone.

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