
Positive thinkers — those of charitable spirit — always see the single bloom poking out of rampant weeds. Those of forgiving nature always choose to extol virtue amidst a sea of depravity. Those of saintly disposition always cultivate, nourish and bring out the best in human behavior. Like Mother Teresa, their prescriptions for a good life glorify any number of Biblical admonitions and principles, including self sacrifice and the Golden Rule — in all things, seek and find the Good, however microscopic, in everyone and every thing — because Good does exist, even in the most hideous of places and within the most repugnant of personalities. With all due respect and admiration for Mother T. and other saintly souls, she never ran into Cordozar Calvin Broadus, Jr., aka Snoop Dogg, an American rapper and “actor.” You wouldn’t suggest that this individual is either hideous or repugnant, since either term would be unduly flattering. You may think this individual is an example of human slime, a deviant who could appeal only to a cult mentality — a tiny, ignorant minority — a sub-human species as primitive and profane as their hero. But that opinion crumbles quickly with the realization that this individual has sold over twenty-three million albums in the U.S., and thirty-five million albums worldwide. This statistic doesn’t count those who applaud and don’t buy. You have zero interest in performing the kind of exhaustive research necessary to identify and analyze the demographic profiles of living souls who would choose, with premeditation, to cozy up to the sound and smell of sewage. Twenty-thirty million Americans simply could not identify with, could not respect, could not embrace the Dogg or his garbage, could they? Silly question. Of course they could — and do, as every generation has before them. Each successive generation always produces more garbage, or more than likely, recycled garbage. But you must never lose hope. Instead, do your best to emulate M. Teresa. Tell yourself that these lovers of filth do have something to offer the world — something worthwhile — something of redeeming value — if not now, perhaps someday, God willing. Take solace in that. Learn to accept the unacceptable. Not even God will rid creation of ignorance, immorality and evil. Dogg is here to stay until he ages out and passes his fetid baton to the next version of human decay. Therefore, as you pass out judgment, you must overlook the vacuous and the primitive — those coarse beings who relish obscenity. Save your wrath for the enablers, the facilitators, who give people like Dogg the international conduit to serve up his swill. Save it for the “entertainment” industry and the vaunted Media whose moral compass vanished years ago. Unrestricted by any self imposed ethic, they relentlessly broadcast the worst of humanity — and in the process often elevate what is evil over what is good. Energized by broadcast media, profaneness has hijacked America’s historic values — its ideals, virtues and principles. Profaneness was always here but it lurked in dark places, illegitimate and condemned. Now Snoop Dogg visits preschool children in their homes. He has First Amendment rights. So has the Church. But guess which the Entertainment Industry and Media push? You guessed right. Not the Church. The media has no interest in the Church until religious liberty infringes on their definition of political correctness. This is the world you live in. Slam the Church and support the Dogg. It’s a bad rap.

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