Step Up.

Throughout the fruited plain, millions of ordinary people listen to Donald trump throw out the one-liners; and as they listen, also wait in vain to hear him speak memorably — to hear him reveal his closely held beliefs — beliefs that will calm a nation’s fears and engender confidence in him and hope for the future. But he foregoes rhetorical eloquence. Instead, he pounds the one simple promise: We will make America great again. Consequently, millions of Americans are left to fantasy — to imagine what they would want Donald to say or do. You don’t want him to step out of character and pull his punches. That would be phony. But you do think he should reach into the hearts and minds of people — all the people. If he believed it, this is what you would like to hear The Donald say:

I think a lot of people think I’m running for president because I enjoy celebrity status or a power trip. Well, it’s hard to get anything done if you don’t have power. But think about it. I’m not in this for money or fame — I can afford to take million dollar family vacations without spending The People’s money. I’m not at all interested in hanging out with Hollywood types. I’m not in this because I’m an egomaniac who thinks he’s smarter than the Founding Fathers. No, I’m running because I love my country and I’ve had to watch a bunch of crummy people run it into the ground. To his credit, Obama did what he said he would do — and he has in fact corrupted the greatest, most generous nation on earth and embarrassed us around the world. He appointed really bad people left and right. Hillary Clinton failed at everything she ever did, except at threatening and bullying  the women that Bill molested. She lies about everything; she sat around while Americans died at Benghazi and lied about how it happened. If she had done her job, those people wouldn’t be dead. She broke the law big time and got away with it because we have a corrupt Justice Department that refused to indict her. You know, I don’t care what skin color you are, what age you are, what party you belong to or whether you’re part of some special interest  —  I don’t even care if you’re an illegal immigrant — you need to put aside your prejudice, stand tall and be honest with yourself.  America has a 20 trillion dollar debt — unless we do something fast, that debt will bury this country in more ways than you can possibly imagine. And you know who it hurts most? The people who live from paycheck to paycheck — that’s who. The very people who support Obama the most. The people of  ability who used  to have good jobs  but have now quit looking, and they’re mowing lawns and flippin’ burgers to make ends meet. All of you can thank Mr. Obama for more than doubling our debt in just seven years and causing untold misery. But he didn’t do it alone. We are where we are because both political parties didn’t have the courage, or frankly, the decency, to do the right thing. All they do in Washington is talk. Cruz is right. There is a Washington cartel. The only thing in America getting bigger is the Federal Government. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer and the great middle class is disappearing. Our immigration system is in a shambles. Our foreign policy is ridiculous thanks to Clinton, and now Kerry. Our economic policies are anti-business and therefore anti-jobs and therefore anti-citizen. Obamacare is a sick joke. We go out of our way to protect Muslims and trash Christians. So you ask me why I bother to run. I guess it’s because I don’t see any other business person putting up his own money to do this job. I think there are lots of people out there more qualified and better equipped to do the job than me or, for that matter, any of the other GOP candidates. But really good people don’t want to get down in the muck and play politics. The fact is somebody has to step up and stop the insanity. So, it’s simple. I want to help make America great again — for my family, for myself and for you. I can’t do it alone. I have to appoint world-class people who agree that the Fed is way too big, too wasteful, too meddlesome and too corrupt. I have to appoint people who truly believe in the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. America has nothing to apologize for. We were always a great nation with great ideas, great sacrifice and great accomplishment. We have let a sickness into our House and it has weakened us; but we can recover and become even stronger. The Federal Government is a huge business; it’s time we ran it like one.

One thought on “Step Up.”

  1. Dear Dick:

    I agree Donald Trump is not reaching hearts and minds like JFK or even BHO. However he is believable, trustworthy and accomplished. I would be a business partner with him any day he would have me. Frankly I can’t say that about any other Presidential for 2016. Democrats are criminals and socialist and Republicans have politicians, crybabies and one business man that accomplished something.

    I saw a kind of complimentary comment about Bill Clinton and Obama as Presidents in Southern California posted in the back window of a new Audi:

    Clinton ruined a dress
    Obama ruined the country

    Plus it had the symbol of the “Punisher” under the Clinton / Obama sign.

    Your Fodder comments on the lies, criminal acts, incompetence and dishonesty of politicians fits with this Audi owner and many voters. We don’t just another politician for the next president . He or she wants a punisher. That may be why Trump is so popular


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