
Let’s lay it on the line. Donald J. Trump is the walking, talking cliche of the super rich business baron. You’ve seen him in a hundred movies. Hollywood can barely make a movie without his type of character. He’s always white, generally the villain, trampling on innocent little people struggling to scrape out a living in a harsh, harsh world. Rude, crude, insulting and oozing ego, he is the brute banker Mr. Potter in It’s A Wonderful Life (circa 1946). If you concede that Trump is an obnoxious blowhard, you must also suggest, compared to one Hillary Clinton, he’s the second coming of Jesus of Nazareth. Blasphemy aside, in almost every Hollywood plot, the arch villain has everyone fooled, including the watchdog Media. The Manchurian Candidate comes to mind as a typical example. In movies, you expect ordinarily sensible people to be clueless, if not witless. In real life, however, in 1933 Germany, the scene was played out in much the same way, as an entire nation of people were deluded, defrauded and manipulated. The German citizens obviously decided to set aside their brains to follow their emotional feelings. But history also will record that no one’s fooling anyone in 2106 America. There’s no mask on a true American villain. Her closet is wide open. In it, in plain sight, you will find ample evidence of a political psychopath. There for you to study, at your leisure, is a documented, 30-year career of fraud and failure, of deceit and duplicity, of treachery and treason. The evidence is there for anyone to see and hear. That evidence says Hillary Clinton is a political racketeer, a virtual Beltway outlaw.  And, apparently, a large number of American voters see it that way. They view Hillary and Bill as a modern day Bonnie and Clyde. They actually love the Clinton badness because somehow it’s as cool as they themselves are vengeful and infantile. Hillary’s women supporters also provide you a clear glimpse into the past, revealing precisely why women were denied suffrage on the basis of their incapacity to think rationally. Let’s just lay it on the line. In one way or another, Hillary Clinton has been in or at the seat of power for 30 scandal-ridden years. In the past eight years she has helped tear this country apart, helped bring suffering and death to the world, risked your nation’s security and lied about it. Now she claims to be a heroine and protector of children, the weak and the poor — as she simultaneously has amassed $30 million for herself. Whoever you are — when you walk into that voting booth — remember that pure Evil has walked out onto the American stage, looked you in the face and bared its teeth. That Evil has a name: Hillary Rodham Clinton. With all his faults, Trump is not evil. He’s a guy off the street of America, a Yankee with Good Fella manners, a verbal bully and a really bad public speaker. He’s an Outsider — the uninvited guest from the wrong side of the money tracks who threatens everyone in power. You may not like him but you would be smart to look at his agenda — what he believes in and what he will try to do — before you reject him, willy-nilly. Who else, in broad daylight, would propose Congressional term limits? Trump cares about America. He has nothing to gain and everything to lose. Tell you what. If you’re uncertain how to solve this voting dilemma, try doing what a detective does. Look at evidence, yes. But most of all, look at motive. Why do you want to be President? Hillary has a motive. So does Trump. Compare them.

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