All posts by Dick Toomey

Dangerous Trend.

Unfortunately, this piece has no way of reaching the Left Wing data base. Most assuredly, Fodder only reaches Constitution lovers. The Left Wing has no interest in what Fodder has to say, anymore than Fodder values the opinions of diehard Socialists, Communists or lovers of all things DEI.  Likewise,  big money much prefers lying in bed with Big Government than listen to the ramblings of a naive flag-waver. The same is true of Big Media, Hollywood and Academia — all would find Fodder a bore. But the majority of the Left Wing crowd doesn’t fall inside the elitist circles. The majority are just ordinary, prejudiced mortals — mostly middle class and low income Americans who curiously, if not incomprehensibly, believe that the Democrat Party is the only party deeply committed to their welfare.

You have to ask.

Why does the Black Community rebuke the Republican Party? Or better yet, why does this community reject Donald Trump? When Trump was President in 2016-20, how did his policies trample on the best interests of Black Americans? It’s a simple question, really. Fodder would appreciate a simple answer, because you see, all the evidence proves Trump’s policies improved the outlook for Black America. So what’s going on? Tell the man your grievance with him. Tell him just how he has abused you.

You have to ask.

Why would members of the Black Community reward the Democrat Party with their vote following the four-year Biden/Harris performance? The Democrat Party can’t deny runaway inflation — the cost of food, energy, housing — everything. They can’t deny the Covid lies, deaths and business shutdowns. They can’t deny the border disaster, in particular the thousands of fentanyl deaths and child trafficking. And they can’t deny a dreadful foreign policy that cost American lives and property. If you’re happy with it, say so.

You have to ask.

Are Black Americans afraid they are incapable of taking care of themselves? Do they have the intelligence and work ethic to accept individual responsibility? Or must they rely on the Federal Government for subsidy? If there was no such a thing as a Democrat or Republican Party, who would they choose to run things? Do all Black Americans think that all Republicans are racist enemies and all Democrats are tolerant friends?

You have to ask.

Why do so many women — especially young women — have such antipathy for Trump? When Trump was President in 2016-20, how did his policies negatively affect their best interests? It’s a simple question. You can guess one answer has something to do with something called reproductive rights. And you must guess those rights mean free contraception and abortion. If Trump believes in neither, he’s toast. Now that’s funny, since the Federal Government has no authority over reproductive issues. But you can come up with another absolutely certain answer. It’s this. Women just don’t like the man even if they might agree he’s better for America.

You have to ask.

Independents proudly sit on the fence to wield their aptitude and objectivity. Too bad the two parties don’t do the same — to prove they have brains. Looking at voting stats, party voters who most readily “cross the aisle” are Republicans. Considering that Independents are studious types, you must ask, how did Trump’s 2016-20 policies and performance negatively affect their view of him? Could independents possibly select the Democrat Party following the four-year Biden/Harris performance? Putting aside personality, you must assume no independent could choose the Democrat candidate — not one staunch, rational fence sitter. But of course you would be dead wrong. With respect to Trump, many independents are not above putting aside their intellectual minds and, instead, exercising their emotional feelings. They are, after all, only human.

Sit there and think.

Getting answers to these simple questions would serve no purpose.  You couldn’t share them with 1000 voters, much less one million. It is possible Fodder might accidentally pop into an Independent’s inbox somewhere — and that person might sit on the fence — sit there and think. — think about Fodder’s questions. Imagine if that happens. Never know — might set a dangerous trend. Like thinking.


Speaking For Trump

My Fellow Americans,

When my political career ends, assuming I’m still kicking, my fondest memories will be the spectacular rallies — rallies just like this one — where I’m privileged to hang out with true Americans. You are the people who love your country — you are the heart and soul of this great land. I think you know I gave no real thought to presidential politics when I was in my prime. I was concentrating 100% on real estate development. You may remember when Oprah had me on her show. She asked me if I would ever consider running for President and I quickly said, no, I don’t think so because I was dedicated to building my business — but I also said — and remember, this was quite a long time ago — I said I was very worried about our country; and if things got bad enough, I might consider doing something. Well, then Obama came along. And look what the heck happened. He transformed my country to honor his hero — none other than  Karl Marx, author of the Communist Manifesto. I wish I could say our work smashed the Obama years. I wish I could say the Democrats improved on our work. Sadly, they chose Marx..

But tonight I’m not going to bad-mouth the Democrat Party. Joe’s gone. Kamala is an avowed Communist although she won’t admit that. But you can decide who she is, what she’s for and what she’s against; and most important, the truth of what she’s done the past four years. You can decide how she’s performed as the Border Czar. If voters don’t believe who she really is and what she’s really done, there’s nothing I can do about it. That’s all I’ll say about her.

Tonight I want to talk to you, but not only to you in this building.  I want to talk to people who don’t like me, and especially those who think I’m the enemy. To begin, let me tell you why I’m running for president again. I’m not in this fight for fame or fortune. I don’t need either, believe me. I freely admit — I  especially don’t like being lied about and attacked. But what truly pisses me off is seeing the destruction of the greatest country on earth. So it’s like this. I’ve climbed in the ring again because I love my country. It’s that simple. I don’t care who you are — friend or foe, rich or poor. Don’t care if you’re a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian or Socialist. Your sexual orientation is your business. So is your religious affiliation, if you have one. I’m running for President to see that you and everyone else in this country is free to live the life you were promised to live.  You were promised, by the way. The Constitution promised you. Only through your individual freedom can America be strong, prosperous and free. That’s all of it. Everyday people — you make this country great — and don’t you forget that — ever.

Now — I must editorialize. Regardless of your opinion of me, it’s important you know the truth — why people in power want to wipe me out. Washington wants to get rid of me because I want to see the  Federal Government reduced in size and scope — to return Washington to the authority originally granted it by The Constitution. The truth is both parties have been trying to get rid of me since 2015, before I was elected. Well, I’m still here to tell you that your country is being run for the benefit of people in Government, not for the benefit of people who grind out a living day by day. YOU — YOU — are the people who grow this country, not politicians who push paper in Washington. You build and sustain this country. Not Presidents or Vice Presidents, not Congressmen or Supreme Court Justices, and especially not un-elected civil officials. Too many people in Washington don’t serve you; they serve themselves. They get in the way. They make rules and regulations that get in the way. And have you noticed, while you do an honest day’s work to put bread on your table, they somehow find a way to quietly put “bread” in their vaults. Think about it, Why do politicians work so hard to get to Washington? The annual salary in Congress is OK but that salary won’t make them multimillionaires in half a dozen years, will it? Will it? Ladies and Gentlemen, the Federal Government did not build America. The Federal Government built itself. It has grown by leaps and bounds. It has spent your money in every wasteful way. One number tells the story. $35 trillion. It’s your debt, like it or not. The Constitution of the United States never gave the Federal Government authority to take over your life. That’s why we need to drain the swamp asap. And now you know why there’s been a bullseye on my back for the past 10 years. It’s no mystery. People in power can’t give it up — the power or the money.

I believe everyone in this building knows the truth. I believe every thinking voter knows I’ve nothing to gain as President — except to see America be true to Her founding principles. If we can accomplish that goal, I’ll walk away a happy and blessed man. God Bless you all.


Biden’s Loyal Bootlicker.

This Fodder is short. You are beyond angry to see people get away with murder. Especially people who have the people’s trust. The Democrat Party troops, walking in narcotic lock-stop, allowed Joe Biden to drag America into the muck. There’s no point in listing the crimes. If you don’t know them by now, you’re part of the problem. Just know this. Biden and his accomplices are responsible for the deaths of millions and responsible for battering millions of livelihoods. Yes. Stealing lives and stealing livelihoods and getting away with it. Then there’s North Carolina. Roy Cooper is Governor. His AJ Josh Stein wants to replace him in November. Naturally. Next in line. Biden’s loyal bootlicker, Cooper followed Joe’s Covid policies to the letter. You know what he did. If you don’t, you’re part of the problem. #1, he locked down NC, shutting down businesses, shutting down churches and shutting down schools. He forced children to wear masks. He forced workers to submit to one or two or more vaccines or be fired. He prohibited pharmacies to dispense repurpose drugs for early treatment of Covid, effectively denying treatment — effectively leaving patients to the mercy of a %^$#& hospital ventilator. Even with a doctor’s prescription, no pharmacy in N.C. could fill repurpose drugs — now proven safe and effective. Thousands have died. Businesses lost permanently. The hardship Cooper inflicted on thousands can never be compensated. You wish that destruction were all. Cooper’s school system has turned education over to Critical Race Theory, also intent on subjecting children to social and sexual indoctrination. Yet, like Biden, Cooper strolls around imperiously, guiltless, unapologetic. And now, N.C. Attorney General Stein  (his mentor Cooper was AJ before him) will doubtless want to continue Cooper’s autocratic policies — to comply absolutely with the national jackboot Democrat Party.

If you had the power, would you jail the current elected officials who have committed political crimes (perjury, fraud, etc.)? What about the crimes against humanity? You know the answer. You can’t go around hanging Governors who just obey orders. Right. That was the argument at the Nuremberg Trials. Despite the red flags and cries of warning, Cooper listened to instructions from the medical Czar and ruled with an iron hand over the people of North Carolina. Ah, yes, everyone believed Fauci. Well, not everyone. Not hundreds of renowned physicians. Not millions of the rank & file. Definitely not you.

And now you’re incensed to know that millions of Americans will vote for Communist Harris. If you didn’t know or don’t believe that this woman has been a Communist since she was weaned, you’re part of the problem.