The election is over. Say that again. The election is over. Political TV ads have ended. Say that again. Political TV ads have ended. Donald won. Say that again. Donald won. Hillary lost. Say that again, again and again. Hillary lost. America won. Say that again. America won. You’re happy to leave post election analyses to the self avowed experts who astonishingly earn money stating the obvious — after the fact. Unlike those experts, you must avoid taking credit for predicting (perhaps wishing) in advance the rise of a new political coalition that transcends the GOP and for suggesting months ago that pollsters were overlooking the long overdue awakening of a silent majority. You see, amateur opinions tend to evaporate more quickly than a single raindrop on sizzling concrete. All the silent majority can do now is wait to see if a true Outsider can be true to his stated agenda — to see if he relentlessly “drains the swamp” or to see if the swamp sucks him into its suffocating, cloying grasp. You have no illusions. For appearances sake, the Establishment of both parties may let Trump visit The Club, but his name will never come up for membership. The GOP will cooperate with him, but only on a few key issues, and only because career pols would rather kill their first born than risk a midterm pink slip. You have no illusions. Despite Trump’s far reaching agenda announced at Gettysburg, there is nothing in it about reducing the size and reach of the Federal Government by shrinking or eliminating departments and agencies. Nothing about the Department of Education, about HUD, about the EPA, about Energy, about FEMA, about the IRS and hundreds of agencies that help drive America deeper and deeper into cataclysmic debt. You have no illusions. Undeniably, the unelected Federal Bureaucracy behaves as the Fourth Branch of government, created by decades of Congressional abuse, ambition and greed. Eliminating lethal toe fungus would be a picnic compared to expunging that bureaucracy. You have no illusions. Trump is one man. The swamp is vast. The forces aligned against him now are the same forces aligned against him during the first GOP debate — which includes everyone but the “deplorables” who voted for him. Realistically, he can lower the swamp a foot or two. But there is only one remedy to save America from becoming what the Founders feared most — centralized tyranny. That remedy is a Convention of States provided through Article V of The Constitution. At the beginning, the States created the Federal Government. The States have always had the power. The States have abrogated that power. It’s time to exercise it. You have to help make it happen. It’s time.