Above The Law.

America is threatened from every corner of the globe. That’s no revelation. Anyone who happens to be conscious knows it. Fortunately, the threats from other nations are paltry. All that America’s enemies can possibly do is wage war — with weapons, cyber attacks, economic barriers, currency manipulation, political tampering, diplomatic meddling and other destabilizing schemes. These plots will not bring down your country. No, America will self destruct, as predicted 62 years ago by a fat cat named Khrushchev. Well, Nikita, you’d be tickled to know the demolition of Old Glory is well underway, led by a malignant cancer that eats away at the most fundamental building block of your precious Republic. When officers and representatives of the Justice System themselves subvert the Rule of Law they are sworn to uphold, the wheels of liberty screech to a halt. When this happens; and it absolutely  has, the Truth becomes a lie. Honor becomes deceit, When those you trust betray that trust, you lose all faith in the hallmark institution that was created to protect you — that promises no one — no one — is above the law. Believe that, Matilda, and give the Flat Earth Society your mailing address. While the Earth rotated on its axis and revolved around the sun, Hillary Clinton was busy dodging and weaving, breaking several laws that she swore to uphold, including perjury. You will spare a recitation of her high crimes. They are chronicled in a hundred places; and if you can bear him for more than 10 seconds, Sean Hannity would love to give you his 15 minute summary without benefit of pause. Instead of wearing orange and eating out of metal trays, Hillary is out and about, dining with the rich and famous, lending her support to the war on her nemesis DT. Several years ago, the crime channel Investigative Discovery aired a series entitled Wicked Attraction. The episodes told stories about people who, as a pair, spawned an evil chemical flux. Producers theorized, had the pair never met, they likely would have never committed criminal acts. Willie and Hillary very likely fall under this theory, although nothing would have kept Bill from his willy-shaking addiction. Some have conjectured that marriage to Hillary accelerated his incentive to look elsewhere. Regardless, these people flourish while thousands of small time lawbreakers pay harsh penalties for petty crimes. The Clintons lead a sizable cast of privileged characters that have avoided justice in a Federal System that at this juncture is hopelessly impotent, and perhaps culpable, in cleaning its own house. These are high ranking officials in the State Department, Justice Department and the IRS, among others. If the U.S. Constitution, administered by the Executive, Legislative and Supreme Court balance of powers, can not, or will not dispense justice equally before the law, America is just a house of cards, ready for a fall. At this writing, Justice spits in the eyes of every American citizen. In reality, politicians are the ones doing the spitting. In 1789, the French rabble had a solution for their privileged class. The Iron Maiden. Crooked Hillary would have been first in their queue.


“At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it? Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined … could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reaches us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”

Abraham Lincoln


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