There are exceptions to nearly everything and everyone. Not all husbands batter their wives. Not all wives poison their husbands for the insurance money. Not all Republican members of Congress are pussies. Not all Democrats are left wing loonie leeches. And not all teenagers are arrogantly ignorant. You don’t fret, at least not desperately, about whacko husbands, conniving wives, corrupt politicians and tyrannical socialists. These notable exceptions are totally invested in their individual pathologies. You leave them to the tools of human justice and the winds of eternal judgment. As for their adult majorities, nothing and no one will alter their ritual proclivities and prejudices. They will act precisely as their ancestors before them, predestined to repeat immutable human behavior. However, in the case of ignorant teenagers — the majority, that is — they occupy an entirely different category. You do need to fret about them. No, that’s not accurate. You don’t fret. You obsess, you panic — in knowing that 18-year-old, ignorant teenagers have the Constitutional right to VOTE. You still shudder in disbelief that America’s so-called best and brightest — those who occupy the seats of power — have not yet repealed the irrational, nonsensical 26th amendment that gives dependent children voting rights. Before you get your panties in a wad, understand that this injunction would not pertain to teenagers in the military, and other teens who work and pay taxes. Teens who have skin in the game earn and deserve suffrage. In fact, 16 year-old, full-time wage earners are infinitely more qualified to vote than 20-year-old university students occupying their safe spaces. The question you must ask is this: What rational argument justifies voting privileges for high school students? Consider this: Nearly half the teen population is sexually active. My, my, that’s a real grown-up activity. Substance abuse is most common among adolescents and people in their mid-teens to mid-20s. The risk of motor vehicle crashes is higher among 16-19-year-olds than among any other age group. And then there’s something called crime. The “age crime curve” says that the incidence of crime increases with age and peaks when individuals reach ages 16 to 20. The stats aren’t pretty. But you don’t condemn youth. Youth is all hormone, urgency and delusive idealism. You should know. You were there once — an all-knowing stripling, certain about life and where you were going to take it. Then a dozen serious juvenile mistakes proved you had not the first clue. You were seriously sophomoric. A “tender and callow fellow.” With hindsight, it’s dead certain you were wholly unqualified to step into a voting booth. More important, you had not earned that privilege — and in 2019, neither have millions of students, regardless of age, who are listed as dependents on parental or guardian tax returns. If 18 is the magic age of adulthood, they deserve to be treated as adults. If teenagers Jack and Jill are mature enough to vote, they surely must be old enough to exercise their right to booze it up at a public watering hole. Well, it ain’t gonna happen, Clyde. The Ruling Class is categorically opposed to the merger of teens and booze. These, by the way, are the same lawmakers who want to fill the voting booths with 18 year-old brains filled with mush — the slop dished out in thousands of classrooms by left-wing “educators.” These are the same lawmakers who oppose borders for one purpose alone — to populate America with grateful illegal aliens who will cast votes in their direction. These aliens will join thousands of dead voters, and voters who cast multiple votes, and voters who are prison inmates. You rightly may ask the question: What percentage of voters in America have skin in the game? Congress doesn’t know and doesn’t care. But long ago Congress sold its soul to the siren song of incumbency. It will never deal with voting reform. Electing new lawmakers will never effectuate voting reform. Donald Trump has neither the time or inclination to seek voting reform. Without this reform, America will steadily tumble into what might be called “Demographic” Socialism. This is a foregone conclusion, just as it was in the 1930’s when the Wehrmacht loomed over an indifferent, detached Europe. In America, the forewarning is there for all to see, most notably in the treasonous plot to bypass the Electoral College. Yes, it’s all there for you to see. Maybe someday you will help come to the rescue. Someday.