Zillions think Donald Trump is guilty of something. It could be that “zillions” is a slight exaggeration; but this, after all, is the age of excess. Might as well join the Media Liars Club. Get in line with CNN and the entire media industrial complex that sold its soul to the Devil a long time ago. Getting in bed with the Rascal does have its perks — at least temporarily. Who doesn’t get off on what He provides — glitter, gold, glamour and center stage. Hang out with Hollywood, hang in with Washington, celebrate impeachment and hang on for Judgment Day, when Mr. Scratch finally comes calling. Well, the deed is done. Now, the talk will center on impeachment fallout. That’s easy. There’s bad news. It’s this. For an indefinite period, America is forced to continually put up with misfeasance, malfeasance, outright sleaze and treason that exist in the very bowels of the Federal Government. The good news is this. The perpetrator of this venality — the Democrat Party — is finally, unconditionally, out of the political closet. There’s nowhere to hide. Naked and panic stricken, the Dems have bared their anti-constitutional soul and socialist ideology. Every Democrat House member who voted for impeachment has smeared The U.S. Constitution. No more pretenses. The jig is up, thanks to one, and only one, patriotic American — one Donald J. Trump — who single-handedly has unmasked the evil actors of left wing ideology. No screenwriter in Hollywood could have written a more melodramatic story line. One man standing alone against Big Media, Big Entertainment, Big Corporations, Big Academia and Big Administrative State — not to speak of his own puny* Party. This is bigger than Maximus Decimus Meridius on the floor of the Colosseum. But Trump knows better than anyone — he really doesn’t stand alone. Tens of millions of Americans have his back. And they won’t desert him simply because he didn’t desert them. He delivered. The battle lines are drawn. American voters have never had a clearer choice. But the choice isn’t about Democrat vs Republican. You instead will choose between Trump and the Deep State. You see, you didn’t witness impeachment solely at the hand of Democrats. You easily forget that the GOP controlled both houses of Congress for the final two years of the Obama presidency. Barack blew them away like dust. They had control the first two years of Trump’s rule. With that influence, the GOP did (drum roll, please) absolutely nothing of consequence, paving the way for Democrat aggression. At best, the GOP greeted and treated the new president with glassy eyed toleration. Never forget for an instant. They didn’t want him as a candidate. They didn’t want him as a nominee. And they don’t want him as Supreme Commander, impeding his progress on important issues like The Wall. Wait a minute, you say. If the GOP dislikes Donald, why have they so vigorously come to his defense? One reason and one alone. Think about it, class. Yes, follow the money. Trump is their cash cow. Cynically, you believe the GOP secretly welcomed (if not abetted) impeachment as a virtual gold mine for the taking. NRC fund raising is off the charts. Every day, dozens of texts and emails beg loyal supporters to pony up for Trump’s beleaguered defense. The money pours in — to stave off impeachment? Not on your life. The money grab has nothing to do with the DC circus. Impeachment is just a convenient excuse and now the NRC war chest is bulging like Popeye’s biceps. You concede NRC funds will help drive 2020 congressional races — to an extent. But nothing like the effect of Trump’s coattails, barring some cataclysmic upheaval. Before you count your chickens, class, remember the Democrat Party has at least another year with Dopey Pelosi at the helm. They can’t let impeachment go to waste. Four more years of Trump is their political apocalypse. Prepare yourself for their next accusation, their next obstruction. They can’t let him win again. That was the only purpose behind impeachment. Never to remove him from office. But to deny a second term. Will enough low information voters buy impeachment fiction and tell Trump to take a hike? The smart money says no. Your money says the GOP aristocracy can’t wait for him to exit the stage.
* You don’t condemn all GOP lawmakers. Some, a minority, are warriors.