The Cloud Passes By.

The realization appeared like the sun at long last peeking from the edge of a black cloud. You can call it tyranny, despotism, oppression or persecution – even terrorism. On a global scale, tyrants obliterate the weak and fearful. On a schoolyard, bullies abuse the meek and timid. But the venue isn’t the issue, is it? No, the realization is that all forms of tyranny – from dictatorships to organized crime to neighborhood gangs — operate under the identical model. It’s called extortion. The toughs visit storeowners and “offer” protection for a fee. Mafia organizations “persuade” city officials that they are best equipped to handle essential services. The Federal Government, in its benign munificence, decides it will “help” uplift the fate of Mankind by assuring that all citizens share in the Nation’s wealth. Comparing a democratically elected government to the Mafia surely is a baseless, if not slanderous, accusation. You should be ashamed, even condemned for the implication. Comparing hundreds of members of Congress to hoodlums goes beyond the pale of civil discussion. Anyway, criminals – hoodlums — use force to confiscate your wealth; they tell you what you must give and what you must do. Surely, the Federal Government doesn’t invade your liberty and garnish your wages at the point of a gun. Surely not. Surely, all the Federal Government does is control what it must to make life fair for everyone. Some decisions are just too important to be left to American citizens – decisions about health, about education, about energy, about housing and about gun control. In fact, on your behalf and for your protection, the Federal Government must rightly take control of certain private businesses. You must realize that government can’t provide protection in all of these vital areas without having the resources – your money – to do a proper job. If you leave all these decisions to individual Americans, the country inevitably would flounder and millions would suffer. You see, then, that comparing Washington to Organized Crime is only true in the sense that both offer protection using your money. You must concede that Organized Crime and other gangs use coercion, corruption, bribes, intimidation and even physical violence. That can’t be true of your elected leaders. You admit that many of them are known to be guilty of perjury, tax fraud, adultery, bribery, plagiarism, malfeasance in office and other such human failings; but you’re confident they would never condone violence or threat of violence. Then, as the cloud passes by, you see more clearly and remember the conversation between The Godfather’s Michael Corleone and his beloved Kay:
I’m working for my father now, Kay. He’s been sick — very sick.
But you’re not like him, Michael. I thought you weren’t going to become a man like your
Father. That’s what you told me…

My father’s no different than any other powerful man — (then, after Kay laughs)
any man who’s responsible for other people, like a senator or a president.

You know how naive you sound?
Senators and presidents don’t have men killed…
Oh – (now) who’s being naïve, Kay?

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