Another Push.

Be aware and beware.

Under the sham umbrella of Marxist BLM, the rioters, terrorists and socialist-driven anarchists push and push and push. They burn and pillage. Tear down historical markers. They kill. Very likely, one day, maybe a day right around the corner, one more push will “break the camels back.” That day already may have come to pass in D.C. when Mayor Muriel Bowser commissioned a far-left committee to list historical monuments and school names that needed to go away, to be eliminated from existence. (some of those named by that committee are The Washington Monument and Jefferson Memorial). That day already may have come when 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse decided to take his AR15 to a Kenosha street riot and ended up shooting three attackers, killing one. BTW, Kyle today sits in lock-up and his attackers (the living ones) are free and clear. Sound familiar? Another push on another day, some random Bobby Lee Swagger impersonator will say, “That fries it,” and take it upon himself, unlike Rittenhouse, to retaliate, but unseen and unknown, with deadly force. He will secrete himself, choose and take out a terrorist target, perhaps two or three, or even half a dozen. His action will be called a “seminal” moment that unleashed America’s 2nd “Civil War.” Congressional leaders and federal, state and local officials better get their act together, Matilda. There’s nothing BLM would like more than violent retaliation that results in more chaos that leads to widespread black deaths that prove their racist narrative. And what does it matter to them if hundreds or even thousands of black and white citizens die or suffer catastrophic injuries? Destabilizing America further is well worth the price, to further the Marxist end game. It’s the oldest game in town. Anyhow, nobody, especially BLM, has ever cared about black lives, especially in major cities. Why start now? You have a better idea. Uncharacteristically, today you stand with the Socialist Democrat Party,  BLM lovers  and the Leftist community in general who want to de-fund the Police. Now that’s a nifty idea. Nobody likes the police, anyway. But a de-fund, band-aid strategy will never rid Law Enforcement from systemic racism, brutality and corruption. A far better idea is to eliminate law enforcement altogether. This strategy would solve many of America’s ills. The Black Community will never have to suffer from the racist brutality and murderous instincts of white cops. Poof, that argument goes away. Without question, black neighborhoods  will be safe without police harassment. Right? By abolishing law enforcement, America’s cities annually will save 200 billion. Getting rid of cops will motivate individual citizens of all races to finally stop playing wimpish victims — to step up and protect themselves, their families, homes and businesses. Responsible for their own safety, law abiding citizens, black and white alike, will organize, arm and train themselves. Without law enforcement, the court system eliminates its notorious backlog of cases. Eventually, prisons have empty cells. Some are shut down. Criminals certainly won’t go away but many more of them will die in action or spend months in rehab, without plea deals and so-called due process. God knows what attorneys will do. Drug users won’t go to prisons. Left to their habits, they eventually become casualties. Easily identified, drug pushers suffer street justice. Funeral Home Corporations become hot commodities on Wall Street. Street justice is never a good idea but let’s get real — police rarely prevent crime. They respond to calls and attempt to administer slow and immensely costly justice. Each year, 250,000 murders go unsolved. And each year that number escalates. Who said crime doesn’t pay? And while governments look away, who pays victims for the BLM sponsored destruction of property and lives? Everybody wants an answer. There’s only one, Gertrude. American people who believe in America’s founding principles must finally get up, speak up and stand up — to protect themselves against BLM and other symbols of tyranny. The Federal Government won’t do it. State Governments don’t do it. City Governments are curfew happy. The police are handcuffed. Face it, people — if you stand down, you deserve the outcome.

Edmund Burke famously put it another way: The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good (people) to do nothing.

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