All the attention is fixated on the Presidential debates. Big mistake. Barring some cataclysmic eruption by either candidate, the debates will not move the election needle. Meanwhile, there’s a much a bigger story brewing. That story will reveal just how loyal — just how true — the Grand Old Party is to one Donald Trump. Before his nomination, the GOP openly scorned him. Before his election, it passively (and happily) anticipated his defeat. And during his tenure, the GOP establishment has grudgingly tolerated his reign. With the exception of a few constitutional conservatives, GOP lawmakers, at best, sit complacently on the sidelines while Trump stands, bloodied, on the field. In the next two months, you will see proof of this allegation — or, against all reasonable expectations, you may see the GOP finally grow a constitutional backbone. In the next two months, two things must happen to vindicate the GOP. 1. The Senate will confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. And, 2., the U. S. Department of Justice will bring indictments against a host of bad actors, including sitting members of Congress, who conspired to execute a coup d’etat — to unlawfully bring down a duly elected President. You have no grounds to believe, based on years of reality, that either of these things will happen. Think of it. Examine the evidence. When the GOP has power, it blames the Democrat Party for preventing the enactment of its high-minded policy reforms. Nothing happens. Ever. When the Democrats have power, GOP lawmakers complain — whine is more like it — that Democrats don’t consult them, that Democrats just “don’t play fair, Mommy.” Obamacare is the best recent example of wielding power. Obama had the united backing of his Democrat soldiers. And Obamacare still lives. The GOP is anything but united under Trump. It’s true the Senate eventually appointed Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, but only after allowing Democrats to take over the process and conduct a disgraceful, indefensible witch hunt that assailed him and his family. It’s too late in the game to detail GOP fecklessness; so you’re left to play a kid’s game — to “wish upon a star.” You wish patriotic Americans would wake up and put aside their sleepwalking apathy and robotic mask compliance. You wish small business owners would unite to stick their middle fingers directly in the faces of tyrannical governors. You wish business owners would defend their properties with lethal force. You wish both amateur and professional sport worlds would dissolve their bootlicking surrender to Black Lives Matter. You wish the mainstream media will pay out the nose for all its lies, deceptions and subversive activities. You wish all the social justice warriors would have the courage to publish a list of the people (by name) who are to blame for alleged social injustice. If he wins another term, you wish Donald Trump would abolish the Department of Education and several other agencies and announce his support of the Convention of States resolution. As the “days dwindle down to a precious few,” pay attention to Durham, Barr and the GOP Senate. What happens or doesn’t happen will speak volumes. As the dust settles, ask yourself if you lifted a finger for the future of your country. Truth be known, you already know the answer to that question.