Who Is “They?”

Is it the Meanie Democrat Party? Is it George Soros? The Illuminati? Is it the FBI? The CIA? The Clinton Crime Family? Maybe the Freemasons? Ah, you got it. The Bilderberg Group? Possibly Klaus Schwab and his Great Reset communist scam? No one seems to know. All you know is that Donald Trump and the Republican Party have said repeatedly that “they are stealing the election.” But who is “they?” Biden has been in the basement for months and the only thing he’s skilled at stealing is a feel of pubescent girls. If Biden has a Democrat gang of dirty trick artists, just who are they? When Congress sent Richard Nixon packing, his white collar accomplices — G. Gordon Liddy, Howard Hunt, H.R. Haldeman, John Mitchell and John Ehrlichman — took the fall and heard the jail cells clang behind them. Republicans always bite the dust for petty crime. On the other hand, Democrat operatives make careers out of high treason and cheating justice. Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Lois Lerner and a host of other DEMS abused their offices with impunity. The GOP was outraged and subpoenaed most of them to testify at congressional hearings. They testified and every one of them lied. Everyone knew they lied. Not one of them got so much as a slap on the wrist. Democrats never pay for their sins. So along comes one Donald Trump who dares slap their establishment faces and threaten to dismember the Deep State. Even before Trump recited his Oath of Office, the Democrat War Office was planning and executing what became a four year criminal campaign to impeach and dump the new President. The scheme failed, the GOP compiled a mountain of evidence against dozens of Deep State culprits — from Brennan to Comey to Strzok to Page — and the nation waited for the DOJ to serve grand jury indictments. The people waited for months. And waited. And still wait. GOP lawmakers stood before cameras, shook their heads in dismay and promised that Justice would be served. Along with the Media’s Master Whiner Sean Hannity, they complained how the Democrats lie, cheat, collude and play nasty. Listeners to Hannity and other pundits managed to hear the litany 24-7 every day, month after month. This behavior is the GOP’s genetic disposition — playing the victim, wearing the white hat, turning the other cheek and begging for donations. Maybe they thought Nancy Pelosi would eventually call a news conference, apologize to Donald and pledge to play fair. Instead, empowered by GOP timidity, the Democrats doubled down, now accused of committing blatant election fraud to trump the Trumper. And once again, history repeats itself. The Republican Party is victim, poor baby. Allegedly, there’s a mountain of evidence the Democrats rigged the election. But that shouldn’t be the question. The question is — how? Did the Democrat Party hire Dominion Election Hardware and Software Systems? Is the Democrat Party in charge of U.S. election protocol? Is the Democrat Party in charge of mailed ballots and absentee ballots? Is the Democrat Party in charge of truck delivery of mail-in ballots to the polling places? Did the Democrat Party authorize the use of foreign computer servers to calculate votes? Even more important, is the Republican Party prohibited from election planning and oversight? Yessiree, Matilda, to all of the above. Specifically, swing-state Democrat bosses in Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta, Phoenix and Las Vegas are in charge of running elections, from maintaining voter registration records to counting ballots. As Gomer might say, “Surprise, surprise, what a coincidence.” Months ago, Trump complained about the use of mail-in ballots and possible corruption. Election rigging was dead center in his crosshairs. But where, oh where, was the Republican Party? You have no answer to that, except to suggest the GOP makes a career of going AWOL. You said years ago that the Washington establishment did not want Trump and would never accept him. He is the 2020 version of J. Caesar. Some of those closest to him have been, and are, spies and traitors. But if the Trump presidency ends tomorrow, don’t expect his influence to end. In fact, it will escalate. His followers will never accept a socialist, global agenda. You see, a President outside of the political class finally awakened the spirit of America’s foundational principles. And whoever and wherever they are, “they” will never break that spirit. A “great reset” is indeed underfoot. A reset of The Constitution. As it was written. Strap it on.

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