Everyone knows what’s wrong. The undeniable fact is, the people who are in a position to do something about what’s wrong, don’t or won’t. This brilliant declaration is true about institutions as well as individuals. Drug addicts are the only persons in position to put an end to their addictions, short of outside parties locking them in a cage and throwing away the key. In the end, druggies cheat themselves. Affluent business people who cheat do their swindling out of shabby greed. These bigwigs have a mental addiction, far worse than the physical fixation of your average space cadet — far worse because well-off big cheeses have life by the nuts and still cheat for more. In the end, they cheat everyone and themselves. But the ultimate deceiver on the planet is the U.S. Congress. In the past five decades, Congress has placed an insurmountable debt on the backs of living U.S. citizens and countless future generations — to the tune of 27 trillion clams (and counting). The only people immediately in position to do anything about what’s wrong with this fiscal thievery are the members of Congress themselves — these are the Almighty Addicts — the King of the Hill Addicts — lacking the most basic moral code of common decency — traitors to their solemn oaths. Fortunately, congressional lawmakers are not alone in their wretchedness. They have a partner in treachery — the vaunted, venerated Supreme Court, sitting high on the mountain, imperious in austere black robes, haughtily interpreting and redacting the simple-minded mistakes of a bunch of raw colonial activists, like those pipsqueaks Jefferson and Madison. In ruling after ruling, revisionist justices gave Congress, the Executive Branch and the Deep State massive power to meddle, invade and expropriate the authority of State Governments — in direct violation of The Constitution. The outcome of this abuse of power is Federal authority over all aspects of American life. You are most aware of that power in the education and healthcare departments, which are among no less than 430 Federal regulatory bodies that employ 250,000 bureaucrats in Washington D.C. alone. Repeat those stats, pal, as you envision the bubbling Swamp. Everyone knows what’s wrong. Corrupt government officials commit treason by conspiring to ambush a sitting President. They get away with it. Swing state mobsters commit election fraud to defraud the American people. They get away with it. A former Vice President commits high treason by selling his office to foreign powers. He not only gets away with it but also claims to be the 46th POTUS. America’s media industrial complex lies to the American people routinely by censoring news and fabricating news. They make no apologies for deceit. And no one does zilch about their abuse of power. While gangs and anarchists rampage through city streets, Mayors and Governors turn a blind eye. And they get away with this malfeasance. Most run of the mill citizens think they’re in a position to do something about what’s wrong — by voting for better people. When you stop convulsing in laughter, the definition of insanity comes to mind. It’s time to review the obvious, class. Everyone knows what’s wrong. Trump can’t change it. SCOTUS won’t change it. If Hell freezes over, Congress won’t touch it. State Governors dodge and weave. State Legislatures — all but 15 — hem, haw and haggle. But, listen Matilda, train your sights on those FIFTEEN. Pay attention. FIFTEEN legislatures have listened to The Founders and have invoked Article V of The Constitution. They stepped up to do something about what’s wrong. You can hear the Founders now, charging at least 19 other states: “Citizens, we gave you the remedy. Do your job. You have absolute power. By God, use it.”
Belated Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you for your article. I turned 80 this year and am so disgusted! Will this never change? Is there a will to change this mess? In 2016 we, Matildas, thought we had a fix. The next four years were so disgustingly awful! I can see Kamela becoming President and Nancy holding her train. I watched a Republican publication do their level best to vilify our President, just enough to bring doubt and kill any possibility of a vote on 2020. YUK!