At this particular time, you must not fail to thank God for the freedom to live outside prison walls. This is not to say, at another time, you would feel content to stare through steel bars or shower at Shawshank with a guy named Bogs. But just imagine it. Stir. The Big House. You’re doing a five year stretch. Caught red handed. You look around. Bunch of guys in the slammer for possession, burglary, assault. Criminals all. You too. You broke the law and the Justice System nailed your ass and made you pay. The little guy always pays. That’s you, pal. The cops know how to nab two-bit crooks like you. It’s called justice. Down deep, you hate it but you take your medicine. Like Mom said, “Reap what you sow.” But Mom wasn’t entirely honest with you and that’s why you’re pissed and have nothing but contempt for the system. That’s why you want to blow up every prison and release every felon. Mom didn’t tell you that people at the top of the food chain — presidents, attorney generals, secretaries of state, senators, representatives, corporate execs and scads of Washington swamp dwellers — are more corrupt, commit more crime and engage in more wickedness than anybody in this cell block. By the time you get through fuming about this, “honorable men and women” will gather to officially crown a new U.S. President — in this case, a deceitful, treasonous individual whose life is defined by lies, plagiarism, sexual harassment and pay for play schemes. And those are the only crimes you happen to know of, well documented, in the public record. The Supreme Court justices will have the gall to authorize inauguration proceedings with their lofty presence, forever staining whatever stature and self-respect they may have earned. Maybe several will feel a lump in their throats. But not likely. The Biden Crime Family is now in charge, officially inheriting the playbook of the Clinton Crime Family. But Comrade Joe will have to go some, will have to hustle like crazy to measure up to the Clinton body count. As an inmate, your inflammatory statements will of course be dismissed as political sour grapes by a nobody. Fair enough. But in case you might be unaware, the criminal population, both on the street and behind bars, is the one group that knows the score. Jailbirds have no respect for law and order because they have zero respect for phonies who occupy the seats of power in DC, commit crimes and walk free. Chill, Matilda, not all politicians are crooks. But look at the past four years. High ranking officials, people who took an oath of office, dredged up a pack of lies to connive, disrupt and destroy a sitting President. Unlike us poor slobs who commit civil misdemeanors all across America — peons caught in the jaws of justice — the big shots walk away from the scene of the crime, and go back to cushy jobs or slip into cushy retirements. You can see them now, contemptuously extending their middle fingers in your direction. Under the circumstances, you can read the writing on the jailhouse wall. You tell yourself, “Don’t get mad; get even.” When you get out, put Chicago, Atlanta and Baltimore in the rear view mirror and settle in America’s #1 crime city. It makes sense. There are more crime opportunities and less justice in Washington D.C. If top lawmakers can commit crimes in broad daylight and get away with it, why can’t you? You can’t beat the crooks; so join ’em.
It’s a frickin travesty, but there is no justice for the fat cats up top. None at all