The Real You.

It’s time to talk about America in a way that is so utterly fundamental, you will frown and say, “Why state the obvious?” Why? Because nearly everyone from coast to coast — every man, woman and child — the exec at the bank, the grandma at Green Acres Retirement Village, the snowflake at Harvard, the wide receiver in the NFL, your best friend or your lover — does not or will not see the obvious. Or to be fair, has honestly lost touch with America’s most essential underpinning. No, it’s not The Constitution. Or the Bill of Rights. Or the Minimum Wage. It’s you. You are the underpinning. Take a good, long look at yourself. The real you, please. Not the phony you show the world almost every waking hour. And realize this: You are America; you are Sovereign. Like George Bailey in “It’s A Wonderful Life,” if America had never been born, you would be living under some form of Pottersville under the thumb of a King or other type of tyrannical ruler — as the majority of humankind lives today. Unfortunately, you don’t know what “sovereign” means. You think you know. You think it means you can come and go and do as you please. Not so. In the summer of 1775, Samuel Ashbow Jr. knew what it meant. He was a Mohegan Indian from Montville, Connecticut, one of four brothers who fought and died in the American Revolution. Samuel was the first Native American to die in that war. He left behind a wife and two-year-old son. Nobody reading this harangue ever heard of him. Or for that matter, of the slaves who fought alongside their white “brothers.” Sam understood “sovereignty.” He understood it even though he likely never heard or perceived the word. Regardless, it meant he could stand tall at a skirmish line, raise his right arm and extend his rigid middle finger in the face of King George, the most powerful ruler of the most powerful country on earth, and bellow in a proud, defiant voice, “In the sight of God and man, sir, I am your equal.” That exclamation, that defiance, is the essence of the American Attitude. America will never rediscover the fateful, transcendent import of Her Founding until individuals today rejoice in that triumphant cry of liberty — until individualism sweeps the nation. Sounds like a worthy goal. Sure, something just a tad more difficult than indicting the Biden and Clinton crime families.. It won’t happen, Matilda, until you and everyone else embrace the meaning of individual sovereignty. What exactly does it mean? It means you are responsible for yourself, period. So is every other individual, regardless of race, color, creed or social or economic standing. You are free to offend anyone and be offended by anyone. You are free to hold and voice any opinion. As owner of a business, you may hire and fire for no cause or any cause. As a prejudiced or bigoted owner, you are free to refuse service to anyone. You are free to be a racist. you are free to be a miser. You reject the coercive concept of Group Identity and believe it is the seedbed of all international and domestic conflict. You are not free to physically harm another individual except as an act of self defense. You may not steal in your personal or business life. You are not entitled to anything and deserve nothing that you have not earned. You believe healthcare is not a right. You are free to respect anyone or disrespect everyone. You are free to decide if any lives matter, or not. You believe the Federal Government should be stripped of at least 60% of its jurisdiction. You believe placing a 30 trillion dollar debt burden on American taxpayers is a vile, immoral atrocity. You believe that creating generational dependency is a crime against humanity. Therefore, you are free to raise your arm and extend your middle finger in the face of the U.S. President, the most powerful head of the most powerful country on earth, and shout, “In the sight of God and man, sir, I am your equal.”

The individual, left alone, is America’s fleeting hope.

5 thoughts on “The Real You.”

  1. I always love reading your messages, dick, but this is one of your best in my opinion🇺🇸

  2. The question is if Biden and his crew were standing in front of a group of people who told him and them, we are tired of it and gave him the finger, could they comprehend?

  3. The cry for Freedom is growing throughout America. Your article is so timely as I see the wave coming as more citizens awaken and realize this current path is bound for self-destruction. My middle finger is raised high!

  4. It seems there are not enough fingers to make a difference. Some of us are only entitled to one, some, it seems, more. I live in California.

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