Some time ago, in a land once known as “the home of the brave,” somebody asked a State GOP Legislator how rotten things had to be in Washington D.C. before the State finally decides to show some backbone and say, “Enough is enough.” The Legislator replied, if Hillary should get elected, that would be the proverbial “straw” and the proverbial camel would go down for the proverbial count. Okay, pal, look at America today. That woman is a racketeer, conspirator and liar; but compared to the socialist renegades running the show now, she’s a baby step closer to Mother Teresa. The Constitution’s femoral artery is hemorrhaging and America’s most powerful political organizations are making like Nero, fiddling, fidgeting and doing what they do best — bootlicking like mad at the feet of their Federal Master. You see a few examples of defiance among them but they amount to a bare whimper, not what’s needed — which is a fuming, frenzied war cry. The question hangs out there: how bad do things have to get? Hillary and her groupies are prancing in the wings, impatiently waiting to occupy some portion of Biden’s Bizzaro stage. Behind his pathogen soaked mask, Biden sloppily drools as he vengefully demolishes the greatest economic comeback in U.S. history and tramples on the graves of heroes and U. S. sovereignty. The NRCC is busily doing on automatic pilot what the NRCC always does — raise money for the 2022 midterm. Behind closed doors, GOP bigwigs are animatedly chattering, “Well, boys and girls (and zees, hirs and theys), we made some super gains with the down ballot and, by God, we finally got rid of that asshole.” Meanwhile, more than half the country is fighting mad, looking for elected officials to do their jobs — to ACT, for God’s sake. Evidently, it hasn’t occurred to 27 GOP Governors (a majority) that they might unite to uniformly push back on Federal overreach. True, they may not understand what it means to stick together, but all they need do is study any one of the other 576 special interest groups in America, like teachers unions, BLM, Antifa, Common Cause, etc. Naturally, some stickler reading this will announce that there’s already a special interest animal called the National Governor’s Association. Oh, yes, that. It’s defined as a “bipartisan” organization that “promotes visionary state leadership, shares best practices and speaks with a collective voice on national policy.” Really, Matilda. National policy? What policy? How to turn a Constitutional Republic into National Socialism? They must have studied the United Nations. It makes sense that the current chairman is Andrew Cuomo. Likewise, it hasn’t occurred to 34 GOP Senate chambers and 31 GOP House chambers (super majorities) to tell the Federal Government to go pound sand. But the States don’t act. Why? How bad must things get before good people save the greatest country on earth? Here’s the deal, class. The majority of Americans, including most Democrats who stupidly voted for Biden, don’t like what’s going on. They hate “cancel culture.” They despise PC indoctrination in the schools and in the workplace. They reject Big Media’s nonstop barrage of propaganda telling them what to think, what to say, how to act and how to feel. They don’t want foreign governments dictating American policy. They’re sick of spineless, greedy politicians who line their pockets and career politicians who do and say anything to stay in the Club. They’re fed up with minority special interest tails wagging the majority dogs. They’ve had it with a Federal Government that has seized dictatorial power in direct violation of The Constitution. And they despise the relentless attempts to abridge 1st and 2nd amendment rights. All this enabled by an impotent Supreme Court that either has lost its soul or has been blackmailed into submission. How bad does it have to get? Barring a miracle, the sterile States will not act. It’s left to the People. It will be a minority. It always is.
Well said. I agree with you, the people will be the only ones that will turn this around. COS or bust.
Wow. Well said. I personally like the part about the femoral artery! You’ll probably have to go for the jugular if you want states to “Man-Up”. Can I say that anymore??? Jesus.
34 states joining Convention of States is the ONLY way we can retake our nation🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸