General Michael Flynn gave the keynote speech. Several hundred people gussied up to see and be seen at the country club. Elected officials were there to be recognized. Candidates were there to be recognized. Donors were there to support the Guilford County, N.C., Republican Party. Party leaders were there to recognize volunteers who generously donate themselves to the GOP cause. And the cause is . . . . .? Why, save America by sending Republicans to Washington. Hmmm, Matilda, hold that thought. Think local cause. Put GOP candidates in city, county and state offices — county commission, school board, city councils, election board, etc. For General Flynn, the cause is survival. He wasted no time with preliminaries. His style was classic military. You could imagine his addressing a battalion or regiment, just before deployment. Simple, authoritative sentences. Repeating phrases and sentences for emphasis. Driving home key points. To paraphrase his message, he said the world’s a mess. It’s not just the Russia-Ukraine war. He said China just inked an economic deal with the Solomon Islands, a strategic military gateway, where America spilled Her precious blood in WWII. He said the U.S. government is allowing China to buy up hundreds of thousands of acres of American land — oil rich land. He said Europe is captive to Russian energy. He said that World Economic Forum elitists doggedly pursue world domination, ominously suggesting that in 2030, “you will own nothing and be happy.” Internationally, the world is locked in deadly maneuvers; but as bad as that is, he said things are far worse in America. He said America is at the brink, at greater risk today than during the Civil War, WWI, WWII, the Great Depression and all the other adversities combined. He said your country is in the hands of people who are determined to override and take down America’s founding principles in favor of collectivism and globalism. He said Big Media, Big Corporations and Big Government are at war with individualism; thus are Woke fixated. He said, whether you know it or not, you are at war. He said this is happening now — not last week, not yesterday — NOW. He said you have to act Now. With urgency. In military parlance, you have to act at the “speed of war.” He said some States have already fallen into the abyss. The other States are poised at the very edge of the cliff, with the abyss lurking below. He said, if it were possible, he would take a broom and sweep Congress clean. He said there are 10 federal agencies that should be axed today. He said people thank him and other military members for their public service — but he asks, “where is your public service?” He said that every American needs to show up, stand up and speak up. He said he wasn’t asking; he wasn’t begging; he was pleading. He said there are no options left. He said he grew up in the Democrat Party but that Party is gone. The Democrat Party is anti-American — the enemy. He said he looks into the eyes of the children. He said you can not abandon children to an inglorious future. General Flynn received a well-deserved standing ovation. Without doubt, he expertly laid out the cataclysmic circumstances. Sad to say, you left the venue bummed out. You see, General, the troops in the audience already knew most of your bad news. And they are living the bad news now. Perhaps unrealistically, you expected a specific battle plan from the General — the special strategies and tactics that troops can implement in the face of a special crisis. But what you heard was — stand up, speak up and elect good people. With all due respect, sir, the GOP for years has been electing “good people” some of whom quickly morphed into not so good people. With the best of intentions, local GOP activists put their time, resources and trust into identifying good people. But especially on the Federal level, the GOP has failed and failed miserably, fully complicit in bringing America to the edge of the abyss. In his remarks, General Flynn could not have issued a more dire warning. The Federal establishment has been corrupted absolutely and will not willingly relinquish an ounce of power. Well, sir, the Founders were keenly aware that central governments tend toward tyranny; so they gave you a contingency plan under Article V of The Constitution — a plan to allow “the people” to establish what you will call the Great American Reset. General Flynn looked at his audience and said it’s up to the people to make it happen. But he didn’t mention how. Like all other “public officials,” and especially congressional candidates, he made no mention of Article V or Convention of States — the one and only existing constitutional remedy specifically designed to abolish tyranny. You must assume that both seated and wannabe GOP politicians look at COS as a political liability. It gets in their way. After all, their careers have to co-exist with the Deep State, with the RNC, with Big Money. And what of General Flynn, the much maligned National Security Advisor who was brutally abused by the Deep State? He is devoted to his country and to The Constitution. But evidently, and oddly, despite his pleading, the abyss is not quite tragic enough for him to invoke Article V. A pity.