The midterm is over. The GOP won big in the House and squeaked by in the Senate. Get ready for some big changes to take place within six months. You can’t predict the order of congressional action. You can guess. Some things happen automatically. Leadership is one. Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi take a hike. The GOP fires Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy and elects new leaders to run the congressional show. In the interest of gender equality, John M. Kennedy is polar opposite to Mitch and Marjorie Taylor Greene can bleach the putrid stains left behind by Nancy. By no means are they the only qualified candidates. In no particular order, there will be a debate about impeaching Biden for being on the take, for his treasonous Afghanistan betrayal, for terminating America’s energy independence and for his genocidal Covid policies. There will be no debate about terminating the Jan. 6 committee. Instead, multiple new committees will investigate the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other agencies that illegally tampered with the 2020 election, along with the individuals who lied, cheated and broke their oaths of office to impeach Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Robert Mueller, Adam Schiff, Peter Strzok and a host of elected officials and bureaucrats will be indicted, found guilty and sentenced to prison. In short order, the money spigot will be shut down and Biden’s legislative action will be repealed. Another shutdown will take place at the Southern border as U.S. immigration decides to implement the U.S. Constitution. The Federal Government will cut off funding to Planned Parenthood and PBS, along with hundreds of other organizations that feed at the Taxpayer trough. And Biden’s student debt forgiveness will be transferred to the universities who bilked the students in the first place. The Federal Government will immediately investigate the congressional oversight of the U.S. global health policy and programs, including the CDC and NIH connection to major pharmaceutical corporations. Accordingly, Anthony Fauci will be investigated, indicted, found guilty and imprisoned for enriching himself and instituting policies that killed thousands of Americans. As part of the DHHS investigation, the Federal Government will begin relinquishing health matters to the States. As quickly as possible, Congress will overturn Biden’s Executive Order to shut down the Keystone Pipeline and either abolish the Department of Education or cut off its funding. In either case, Education will be a State responsibility, totally devoid of Federal interference. The new Congress will author, pass and implement a balanced budget.
Interference. There’s always interference. You know something’s wrong. What is it? It’s the infernal beeping, Matilda. Cell phones have an awful habit of interrupting the most pleasant dreams. Wake up and smell reality. The midterm isn’t over. It’s 20 days away. And if the result turns out to be the landslide of your dream, the rest of it is nothing more than frivolous fantasy. Because the GOP never chooses a warrior. Mitch and McCarthy ain’t going anywhere. The GOP establishment doesn’t have the stomach to impeach anyone. Communist voters and meanie democrats might take offense. And it will be hands off Jan. 6 because Trump’s the target — leave well enough alone. None of the bad actors that conspired to spear Trump will lose one night of sleep because the GOP would rather lose Trump than win an election. Durham will still be collecting evidence that never comes to fruition, until Trump is exonerated posthumously. Republicans have no interest in cutting spending, abolishing agencies or defunding anyone, least of all PP execution chambers and PBS state run media. Helpless Harvard students will argue that education should be free. Anyway, why risk the backlash? Since the establishment GOP was all-in on the Covid shut-down policy and vaccine protocol, how could it find fault with Fauci and the entire medical establishment for ignoring the Hippocratic Oath? No one will pay for lives lost and livelihoods smashed. A new Congress needs to steer clear of medical matters since the majority of Americans still buy the Media narrative. It is somewhat possible the Keystone Pipeline might have new life — but most likely will breathe that new life through some type of lawsuit — and not by congressional action. There will be hearings and lots of talk about debt, federal spending, inflation and balanced budgets. Lots of talk. And more talk.
You must ask — why the cynicism and gloom? That’s easy. Base your expectations on GOP performance in the past 30 years. Add to that — in just two years, the Democrat Party has systematically ruined hundreds of thousands of lives in many ways — and not a peep out of mainstream media. The midterm? You should make a list of what you expect — as you would for Santa’s visit — and see what you get. Dreams seldom come true.
There is only one Constitutional remedy :
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