The Game.

Another day, another election come and gone. And with all due respect, to what end? No end really. At least in your lifetime, elections are like that. A team wins. A team loses. Two years later, the game plays again — and once again, it’s the most important election in modern history. On November 9, 2022, the experts weigh in to tell you what happened and why. As always, like sportscasters, they state the obvious, ad nauseum — why so-and-so won and so-and-so lost. Analysts are necessary cogs in the political industrial machine, along with media outlets, ad agencies, campaign staffs and no end of others who profit from political campaigns. Thousands have permanent careers in the game. Thousands feed off the business of elections. And it is a business. The only people who don’t make money are ordinary Americans. In fact, ordinary people willingly contribute millions to the game. The sour fact is elections are not about them, not about ordinary People. Elections are about two parties — two teams — engaged in a war for power. Each team — all the candidates — tell you that their core motives are to protect The Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic and to ensure the future for generations to come. They tell you they want to save America. And, to be sure, for some candidates, past and present, the motives are pure. You acknowledge their sincerity, dedication and, yes, courage. But all these patriots can offer is a finger in America’s decaying dike. To be unequivocal, America has been moving away from its founding doctrines for a very long time, but now that withdrawal has escalated to all-out retreat. In 1776, America rejected dictatorship to embrace liberty and self reliance. In 2022, America is accepting dictatorship to embrace subjugation and dependency. And no election — not one — will reverse this direction — no matter which party wins the gavel. Skeptics will say these dogmatic assertions are nothing more than armchair opinion. True enough. Nonetheless, you extend a core hypothesis. Unless the Federal Government voluntarily relinquishes its domestic power to the States, or unless the States act to take back that power, America will no longer be a Constitutional Republic. To be clear, Matilda, the Federal Government already has nullified the basic exigencies of The Constitution through confiscation — through outright and arbitrary seizure. The Balance of Power has failed — failed miserably — because elected officials have failed to honor the oath of office. You will find nothing in The Constitution that allows any branch of Government to meddle in your daily life. But meddle it does — in your choices — in your education, your race, your gender, your job, your religion, your health, your failure, your weapons, your success, your pregnancy, your drug addiction, your business, your charity, your speech, your prejudice. No Federal funding should prop you up for any reason whatsoever. No Federal funding should pay salaries to thousands of people in dozens of bogus agencies who do the meddling. More justly, that money should be diverted to the deserving — to the Wounded Warriors and their families. Maybe it has not occurred to brilliant experts — if the Federal Government’s jurisdiction were limited to its enumerated powers (as mandated by The Constitution), Federal elections no longer threaten the Republic or the people. You can elect airheads like AOC without dread. Eviscerating the dictatorship takes socialism off the table and replaces individual freedom where it belongs — on the altar of Liberty. All things considered, however, the smart money and history resides with dictatorship. Why? Demographics tell the melancholy tale. At least half the country is dependent on some sort of federal assistance. This crowd of thieves always votes for dictatorship. The other half busily fend for themselves and wait for the next game, in vain. As a reminder, in the face of this litany of despair, nineteen (19) States have voted to handcuff Washington and restore America’s fundamental ethic. A light does wink at the end of the tunnel. It winks for you.








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