No one argues that anger commands the American landscape. Anger over race. Abortion. Foreign aid. War. Drugs. Bailouts. Corruption. Jobs. Religion. Gas prices. ObamaCare. Gay marriage. Yada yada. But any of these so-called issues pales by comparison to the single most destructive affliction on the planet — erectile dysfunction (ED). Evidently, if you believe in expert medical polling data, and why wouldn’t you, 60 percent, or approximately 70 million “members” of the U.S. male adult population, are ill-equipped to deliver the goods. At that astonishing level, no one can deny this misfortune is nothing less than a raging epidemic. So you must question: Why hasn’t ED dominated the GOP debates? Giving Michelle a pass, eight men were on the debate stage in the beginning. Do the math — at least five of them must have ED. The media organizations — all of them — missed a rich opportunity to probe this issue in the public interest — to learn more about which candidates can stand up to the challenge and be all they can be. As it is, we must applaud Lilly and Pfizer for spending hundreds of millions of advertising dollars annually and giving millions of apprehensive males the confidence to be ready at anytime and anyplace. And that includes none other than the Leader of the Free World. Of all people, he needs something he can count on. The ups and downs of his election are simply a rehearsal for the big show and all of his unpredictable highs and lows. But there’s something else the media missed. You missed it, too — until now. Like everyone else, you blamed Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, hedge funds, China, Iraq and out of control government spending for the country’s economic malaise. Not for a minute did you stop to realize that no economy can thrive when over half the adult male work force is besieged by and preoccupied with ED. What real man can be productive in a career when his very manhood, his very essence, is not all it should be? As you read this, men on Wall Street and Main Street, in coal mines and assembly lines, on oil fields and playing fields, at banks and breweries — and those in every other conceivable walk of life — are psychologically unfit to perform at a high level. Productivity plummets, and along with it, GDP. To make matters worse, ED drugs rob the average male of any significant mental acuity and ability to concentrate. This ineptitude clearly explains cultural decay, signaled by vulgarities like rap, piercing, tattoos and coarse language. However content the average ED male may be on the job, he is equally that useless. This malicious plague shows no signs of relenting as political candidates talk aimlessly about mundane issues like health care, immigration and contraception. Suddenly, you understand why nothing gets done in Congress and why your President requires a teleprompter to appear lucid. Invariably, reading requires low-level brain activity. Thinking is another matter altogether. Figures.