Don’t Count Joe Out.

The Day After
It’s the day after July 4th, and DEMS in every corner of every room are piling on Joe simply because he has a lapse of memory now and then. And yes, because he sometimes has difficulty knowing his way around various kinds of auditoriums. Well, who doesn’t? Can you imagine how many audiences he visits? If you care to pay attention, you will see celebrities of all kinds, including Royal families, being ferried around by their “handlers.” So cut the poor guy some slack, especially considering how much he’s sacrificed for the American people. At great personal risk, he was willing to help the people escape Donald Trump’s vicious policies — his vile language, racist intolerance, international blunders and economic stagnation. And help them escape he definitely did, giving them a a new America that does away with the antiquated, horse & buggy ideas dreamed up ages ago by a bunch of white men wearing wigs. Joe did a lot; so don’t count him out, despite the wailing of DEM naysayers. Just a couple of days before the debate, four billionaire white men were ready and willing to give Joe four more years. Their support should be proof positive that he’s the real deal. These financial geniuses are not political dummies. Everyone knows they want what’s best for America. No one listens to mean spirited cynics who cruelly think that billionaires profit more from a Democrat administration than from a GOP administration. So if the billionaire set doesn’t count Joe out, you shouldn’t either. As the months go by leading up to November, you will see him flash that winning smile and display the fighting spirit and stamina that America loves. By election day, Democrats will show up in droves to punish Trump for picking on their beloved leader. And the Democrats who don’t show up won’t fail to do what they do best — mail in millions of ballots, collect ballots and feed them to well oiled machines. Meanwhile, GOP volunteers will stake out polling places as they always do, scanning suspicious faces and watching to see if their party can manage to turn out 50% of its registered voters. The GOP is famous for counting chickens. Who can forget the “red wave?” Similarly, GOP pundits seem confident 2024 is done. They say Biden’s departure is imminent. They say this as Biden shrewdly goes about his business, betting on Independent voters who tend to swing left. Independents — these are people too smart to be fooled by political parties, taking great pride in neutrality,  not taking sides and not getting bloodied.

Only One Reason
You are led to believe millions of people won’t vote for Biden because he got lost in a competitive quagmire of words. At least he appeared lost. You are supposed to believe many people will switch to Trump — including the mega wealthy — because Joe is senescent. That’s a big word for “whacky.” What foolishness. The guy blew one debate on a bad night. How do you know Kamala didn’t slip him a mickey? You do remember Kamala. Believe it or not, she’s the Vice President — the only politician who can make a half hour speech by repeating two sentences. More likely than not, Biden is being set up because the odds makers are making book he loses against Donald. There are dozens of reasons to vote against Joe but the damaging debate isn’t one of them. Pick any of the reasons you want — the border, energy, spending, Ukraine, Covid corruption, inflation, Hunter funneling bucks to Pop. You, the author of this rant, chooses only one reason. It has a foreign name. Kabul. Everyone connected to the Kabul evacuation — including Biden — should have been impeached and removed from office.

Shameless Details
At the time, you learned that 13 members of the military were killed and millions of dollars in military equipment left behind. You had no details. The details are these: **

“By most measures, $7.12 billion is a little more than a “fair amount.” Vital military equipment and munitions – paid for by American taxpayers and intended to keep Americans and our allies safe – were just handed over to the Taliban, including:

$4.13 billion in military vehicles,  including 12,000 military Humvees.

$923.3 million worth of aircraft, including nearly 80 vehicles abandoned at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul.

$294.8 million in over 180,000 air-to-ground missiles and 50,150 practice munitions.

$47.2 million in 9,200 guidance, control, assemblies, fuses, or launchers.

“Nearly all” of the communications equipment, including base-station, mobile, man-portable, and hand-held commercial and military radio systems, and associated transmitters and encryption

More than 300,000 of the total 427,300 weapons supplied by the U.S. for Afghan forces.

“Nearly all” night vision, surveillance, “biometric and positioning equipment” totaling approximately 42,000 pieces of specialized equipment.

“Nearly all,” of the explosive ordinance disposal and de-mining equipment, including 17,500       pieces of explosive detection, electronic countermeasure, disposal and personal protective

The Taliban now has state-of-the-art U.S. military equipment to impose its authoritarian rule over Afghan citizens, sell weapons to our enemies, and perpetuate an unstable Middle East.”

Millions of intelligent, well-informed Americans were ready to double down on Biden before the debate and many still are. Think of that fact when you think of the atrocity in a foreign land, not to speak of the arocities at home. The thought is ominous.














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