This Fodder is short. You are beyond angry to see people get away with murder. Especially people who have the people’s trust. The Democrat Party troops, walking in narcotic lock-stop, allowed Joe Biden to drag America into the muck. There’s no point in listing the crimes. If you don’t know them by now, you’re part of the problem. Just know this. Biden and his accomplices are responsible for the deaths of millions and responsible for battering millions of livelihoods. Yes. Stealing lives and stealing livelihoods and getting away with it. Then there’s North Carolina. Roy Cooper is Governor. His AJ Josh Stein wants to replace him in November. Naturally. Next in line. Biden’s loyal bootlicker, Cooper followed Joe’s Covid policies to the letter. You know what he did. If you don’t, you’re part of the problem. #1, he locked down NC, shutting down businesses, shutting down churches and shutting down schools. He forced children to wear masks. He forced workers to submit to one or two or more vaccines or be fired. He prohibited pharmacies to dispense repurpose drugs for early treatment of Covid, effectively denying treatment — effectively leaving patients to the mercy of a %^$#& hospital ventilator. Even with a doctor’s prescription, no pharmacy in N.C. could fill repurpose drugs — now proven safe and effective. Thousands have died. Businesses lost permanently. The hardship Cooper inflicted on thousands can never be compensated. You wish that destruction were all. Cooper’s school system has turned education over to Critical Race Theory, also intent on subjecting children to social and sexual indoctrination. Yet, like Biden, Cooper strolls around imperiously, guiltless, unapologetic. And now, N.C. Attorney General Stein (his mentor Cooper was AJ before him) will doubtless want to continue Cooper’s autocratic policies — to comply absolutely with the national jackboot Democrat Party.
If you had the power, would you jail the current elected officials who have committed political crimes (perjury, fraud, etc.)? What about the crimes against humanity? You know the answer. You can’t go around hanging Governors who just obey orders. Right. That was the argument at the Nuremberg Trials. Despite the red flags and cries of warning, Cooper listened to instructions from the medical Czar and ruled with an iron hand over the people of North Carolina. Ah, yes, everyone believed Fauci. Well, not everyone. Not hundreds of renowned physicians. Not millions of the rank & file. Definitely not you.
And now you’re incensed to know that millions of Americans will vote for Communist Harris. If you didn’t know or don’t believe that this woman has been a Communist since she was weaned, you’re part of the problem.