The Face of Capitalism.

28 Days.

That’s the time left for Americans to decide whether or not to bury the original U.S. Constitution. To decide that Karl Marx, Kamala Harris and Communism can do a better job than America’s Founders and the millions of legal immigrants who built this country. Or whether to elect a former President — the quintessential Capitalist who four short years ago orchestrated one of the most robust economic comebacks since Jimmy Carter’s 1970’s misery index.

The Tenets of Hatred

It would seem an easy choice for any conscientious, rational human being; and, fortunately,  there are many of them around. Unfortunately, there are many — at least half the population — who are hidebound and doctrinaire — who choose to despise a man who has not acted against them in any way — who has not oppressed, persecuted or wounded them, who has not depreciated their lives; but in fact has nourished their lives and their opportunities. Yet they refuse to acknowledge his service to them and to a country he loves — instead preferring to believe a decade of his enemy’s lies — instead, preferring to revel in the tenets of hatred.

See the People Prosper.

Hatred for what? For boasting, for name-calling, for rudeness — for his lack of civility? His haters don’t even know the man. His story is not complicated. He respected his parents and devoted himself to business, amassing great wealth, losing and winning, but never giving in or giving up, negotiating with the most entrenched bureaucracy in the world — New York City. He decided to run for office when he saw Marxist ideology take a stranglehold over America in the person of Barack Obama. And in 2016, he became the only President having never previously held public office — yes, not one day of political experience — a reality that still torments both political parties. He didn’t run for money. He devoted his salary. He didn’t run to make war. He didn’t run to destroy the Democrat Party. He ran to be the first President to govern the country as a business. His goal was not a cute slogan. It was real — a business goal — to make America great again. Strong. Prosperous. Safe. By building America — the business — he would see the people prosper and truly discover the meaning of individual liberty. And once he got the bit in his teeth, he set about doing just that. Look back. The American people didn’t complain, didn’t protest. The only people who complained about Trump were elected officials and the Deep State who wanted to keep the Federal Government just as it was. Behind closed doors, powerful people most likely said, “We gotta get rid of this guy.” And they tried, even after he left office. By now, you would think indoctrinated “haters” were smart enough to smell a rat.

Birds of a Feather.

But, no, the haters would prefer to give Kamala a chance. Why? Well, she is, after all, a Democrat. What else? She’s a woman — a woman of color. She has spent her entire adult life in government. She was chosen by Joe Biden, a man so brilliant, he has spent 54 years in government, basically getting rich. Birds of a feather. Kamala squeaked by to become Attorney General of CA, winning by the razor thin margin of 0.5%. You will leave it to Trump haters to do their homework on her but they won’t. They know all they need to know. That Willie and Oprah and Taylor and Deniro say she’s OK.

Don’t Argue With Stupidity.

It’s no secret that the bulk of the haters, excluding the plurality of Black Americans, are women. They hate Trump because they believe he’s a chauvinist pig who has no respect for women — that he wants to burn all pro-choice women at the stake and wants to prohibit abortion. In this case, you can’t argue with abject stupidity; so you won’t. But you will call out Democrat TV ads that feature a youngish woman who tells her tragic abortion tale. She looks at you touchingly, to explain that Kamala is the only answer to uphold reproductive rights. You want to ask her, ask any woman — why is government involved with those “rights?” Why is it the government’s business? Shouldn’t pregnancy be your personal business? Isn’t choice the magic word in your business? Get pregnant, see a doctor. If the doctor is unwilling, see a different doctor willing to perform an abortion; pay the doctor, etc. Why should taxpayer monies be available to abort a baby? If pregnant women and a father can’t afford the cost of ending the life of a baby, they can turn to privately funded charities. Leave governments out of it. Leave Trump out of it.

Risk Everything.

Finally, it’s time Trump haters and supporters alike should put aside the blindfolds to see just who Trump is. And who he is not. He’s a tough businessman from Queens who speaks the language of Queens. He is a fierce competitor at anything he does, devoted to winning. He is the American patriot walking the streets of NY, mingling with people like himself, knowing he lives in the greatest country in the world and loving every minute of it. He is the American archetype, no more and no less. Trump is not an orator. He doesn’t write and memorize speeches that go down in history. He is not a Reagan who writes, rehearses and delivers a performance. He’s Clint Eastwood who infuriates his bosses with a single, impertinent remark; then goes out and kills the bad guys. He is not a politician who makes speech after speech telling constituents exactly what they want to hear for one reason only — to be reelected. Even his supporters cringe when he speaks extemporaneously, fearing an election-killing flub. But, you see, the one thing Trump doesn’t do is put on an act. He risks being himself. And that’s what his base loves about him. He’s not a man of words. He’s a man of action. Like George Patton, he has a war to win and risks his very life to do it. In effect, he figuratively stands alongside the Founders to pledge his Life, his Fortune and his Sacred Honor.

For what, you may ask. May God help us, to save the Republic.



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