Anybody who gives a rip wants to know what’s wrong with the world. Unless you live in a cave or some other remote outpost, every hour, every day, you witness the ugly side of humanity. You want answers. You turn to theological experts who preach faith, love and forgiveness; and then listen as they ask for money. You turn to political leaders who predict a new day and then listen as they ask for money; if you give them money, they want more money; if they get elected, they want more money to keep the job they can’t seem to do without more money. You turn to professional commentators and talking-head experts who offer armchair opinions before they promote their latest books that are always on the NY Times best selling list — books that you can buy with your money that allegedly goes to charity. You turn to the World Wide Web and wade through pop-up windows to learn a heretofore never revealed secret — How You Can Profit From The Next Financial Meltdown — absolutely free — contained in a video library — yours free — when you subscribe to a monthly newsletter — a $595 value for only $19.95 per month — and if not fully satisfied, you pay nothing. Then you turn to the always reliable Dewers Rocks Twist and in no time at all you have an answer. The answer isn’t immediately clear; but after 30 minutes in conference with DRT, you discover that what’s wrong with the world today is what was wrong with the world 100 years ago, 500 years ago and 2500 years ago. And after 60 minutes, you concede something that you debated countless time before — that 80 per cent of humanity always chooses to live peacefully, respecting life, liberty and property. Unfortunately, that percentage leaves 1.2 billion other humans who prefer to either cheat, lie, steal, or murder their way through life. And, routinely, many of these evildoers occupy the highest positions of power — lying, cheating, stealing and committing murder on an epic scale. Later, another Dewers helps recall a Universal Truth — that Evil is as constant, as predictable, as the tide. In a moment of stark clarity, you reach the obvious conclusion: the Evil Minority persists because the Majority doesn’t really believe in Evil. The Majority believes that all humans are Jekyll & Hyde characters, a combination of good and bad, sinners everyone — not to judge, “lest we be judged.” The Majority can’t bear differentiating between Sin and Evil, because to acknowledge Evil, not knowing where you stack up, is a colossal, personal risk. But, if 6000 years of human folly proves anything, it’s that risk is worth taking. At this moment, a week before the 2014 midterm national election, Evil Americans are preparing to lie, steal and cheat their way to power. DRT finally confirms that any voter who casts a ballot for any candidate whose political views diminish individual liberty by even a smidgen — is Evil. Not sinful, mind you. Not mistaken. Not unsettled. Not unscrewed. Not whacko. Not schizzo. Evil. Nothing less. An extreme, wildly irresponsible indictment, you say, daring to malign loving mothers, generous friends, business associates, compassionate neighbors and family members who happen to embrace a progressive ideology. Sorry. Evil has many faces — even beautiful faces — that continue to nourish the ugly side of humanity.