Across this great land, millions of capable men and women raise the bar of civilization. Some of them — many thousands — are world beaters. Visionary thinkers who see the possible. Scientists who advance knowledge. Teachers who inspire excellence. Engineers and tradesmen and marketers and business developers who build commerce and infrastructure. Artists who inspire. Surgeons who heal. Civic leaders and theologians who seek good will. Musicians who enthrall. Athletes who entertain. Soldiers who sacrifice. Millions upon millions of players on the world stage, each through a life’s work, each raising the bar a micrometer. And as they go about their business, in the cause of simple humanity, asking for no recognition, their country is under siege by special interest thugs — specious thought police, a decadent and degenerate media, social militant gangs and a corrupt federal Government, mired in a polluted swamp of its own making. Somehow, America’s silent majority has allowed the least worthy, the least able and the least moral to occupy the people’s houses. Meanwhile, the best, most accomplished and most honorable of us sit quietly on the sidelines, pointing fingers, evidently waiting for Divine Intervention, waiting for a white (or black) knight or the Hand of God. You are left to wonder when God left town. When morality became contemptible. When goodness became badness, and badness became goodness. When The Truth was discarded like putrid trash and The Lie worshiped like a primitive idol. When ignorance became admired and accomplishment belittled. When simple decency was simply lost. Astonishingly, in this catawampus country, people you know will vote for a criminal — a woman who broke the law she promised to obey — a woman who, with premeditation, committed High Crimes. But instead of occupying a prison cell, she may well occupy the Oval Office originally sullied by her husband. If elected, she will become the first First Lady to reign over a First Husband, a circumstance that doubtless will prompt universal laughter. If elected, America will venerate its first Crime Family. That’s a peachy prospect, isn’t it? Hollywood will rejoice. Scads of other criminals in Government will utter sighs of relief. America’s enemies will drool. American women at abortion clinics will click their heels in triumph. Aborted lives won’t know the difference. Vince Foster will roll over. The Black community will wait and wait and wait for things to get better — again. The GOP and NRC will rev up the printing presses to mail surveys to gauge public opinion — and raise money — for the 2020 campaign when they promise, by God, to uphold The Constitution and hold their peers accountable — again. And the silent majority will continue to sit quietly in horror as they watch the President and First Man stand together at the podium, with those famous Cheshire grins, as if to say, “What a bunch of fools you are.” Some of us don’t need to be told.