Intellectuals could never bring themselves to respect Donald Trump, for at least three reasons. One, he’s a silver-spoon, money-loving, billionaire capitalist with a Capital C. Two, he sounds nothing like a Wharton graduate — more like Arthur “Fonzie” Fonzarelli from Happy Days. And three, he thinks in the absolute of black and white while intellectuals live in the gray zone of everything conditional, indefinite and PC. Trump supporters love him. Why? Because he’s filthy rich and proud of it. Because, with street language and plain talk, he’s just like them. Because he’s the ultimate pragmatist who takes decisive steps to fix things — in Hollywood parlance, a “man of action.” Because he is American to his very core, embodying the attitude, the spirit, the enterprise, the drive and audacity that forged your country. And, finally, because he believes winning is a virtue not to be diminished by either guilt, envy or resentment. His style compares him to George Smith Patton, Jr., although Millennials and millions of others have no knowledge of “Old Blood and Guts.” Patton was born to privilege, attended the finest schools and rose to the highest military rank, distinguishing himself on the battlefield in two world wars. But his colorful style, hard-driving personality and success as a commander were often overshadowed by controversial public statements that rankled his superiors. He had a simple philosophy — lead from the front. His vulgarity-ridden speech to the Third Army was the stuff of legends. Trump was no soldier but he acts like one. And the poll numbers suggest that Donald resonates with everyday folks. Even Ruling Class Pundits on both sides of the aisle and in the media acknowledge his appeal; but there’s always a big bold BUT that follows every acknowledgement. BUT, right now he’s feeding off the anger and dissatisfaction of the right wing fringe of the GOP. BUT, in time The Donald’s celebrity status will wear thin and his style will cease to be refreshing. BUT, when voters get serious, near the moment of truth, they will fall back to a safer candidate — one that sounds and acts “Presidential.” BUT, at the end of the day, he’s too polarizing, antagonizing Latinos, Women, The Beltway Bureaucracy, the GOP Establishment and the Media. BUT, even mainstream Conservatives, the decent church goers drawn to his patriotic fighting spirit, will eventually desert him because they simply can’t stomach boorish, rude, insulting behavior. They expect their President to be tough, certainly — but a gentleman. Between now and when it counts, someone may come along and persuade The Donald to find and nurture his Presidential disposition — something akin to Teddy’s “speak softly and carry a big stick.” The people are hungry for a giant to stride onto the Beltway and whack away with a big stick. Any of the GOP candidates could be that giant but you’ve heard GOP politicians talk big for decades. Trusting an insider is like betting on filling an inside straight. America doesn’t need another Community Organizer, or another member of the established Ruling Class, or a Career Politician, or, God forbid, another Attorney. America will require an outsider to restore Her strength, honor and moral foundation. You probably think Donald could be that outsider. Think again. His chances are as remote as seeing Hillary testify about Benghazi. Yes, he has the money but his money won’t trump the “Washington Cartel.” And that’s the safe bet.