An MIT professor ignited a firestorm by calling Americans stupid. You must admit you’re utterly baffled by the visceral reaction. You thought the stupidity of the American people was common knowledge — a foregone conclusion — given that they elected the current occupant of the White House — twice. You don’t need forensic evidence to diagnose stupidity. To be fair, and accurate, only a portion of those voters can be characterized as truly stupid. Half the people, give or take a couple of million, didn’t vote for Obama. Many of those who did were either ideolog socialists, or racists, or loyal, left wing DEMS. It is true the remainder represented — and still represent — a rather massive patchwork of ignorance and stupidity. Nonetheless, Gruber was wrong. From the day socialized healthcare was hatched, the majority of Americans, including millions of stupid voters, rejected it. Gruber didn’t really scam the American people. After all, they had no access, did they? With Obama’s blessing, he confidently hustled and defrauded Congress, the Supreme Court and the feckless Media — the very people elected, appointed and honor-bound to safeguard the people and preserve The Constitution. If he thinks the American people are stupid, Gruber must believe your elected leaders are, at best, world-class idiots, or, at worst, craven swindlers. To their credit, the stupid American people did the only thing in their power — they eventually fired a bunch of Obama’s bootlickers. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court abdicates its duty and the Media continuously defiles its illustrious tradition, shilling for the POTUS. Meanwhile, the nation’s checks and balances are paralyzed to move against Obama and his stooges who flout the law, lie with impunity and dare anyone to step into the ring. Americans of a previous time — the stouthearted generations — the “square” generations who believed in a moral code — would have vaulted into the ring — gladly — and cleaned house. But that was yesteryear. Today, you hear the new Congressional majority’s tough talk. It reminds you of something doesn’t it? Sure it does. It recalls years of other talk — a mountain of talk — a never-ending litany — the blame and complain game, going nowhere. But now the new majority can save the talk, use its power and repair America’s decaying foundation — if it has the courage to act. As he brandished his elitist, superior arrogance, Gruber failed to observe a simple truth — stupidity doesn’t nullify the courage, virtue and morality of decent people. Conversely, intelligence can never nullify the absence of courage, virtue and morality of deceitful people. Sadly, the proof of this corollary resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW.