The preoccupation with Death in America shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. There was a time when Life shared at least top billing and perhaps it still does in some significant ways. But not while the Grim Reaper performs at the top of His game. Currently, Old Scratch has a thriving operation. He seldom goes into His office since business is, shall you say, running on automatic pilot. He can always rely on disease, accident, murder and decay to keep pace with Life. His Wholesale Divisions specialize in war, massacre, disaster and terrorism — these are the catastrophic events that dramatically inflate His bottom line. And when things get a little slow from time to time, the Old Boy gets a lot of help. He counts on various accomplices to boost his numbers. One of His favorite cohorts is Planned Parenthood whose factories snuff Life like it’s nothing at all. Another is Death Row — not so efficient, but highly dramatic and stable in the long run. By far, however, one of his most dependable colleagues is Self Destruction. Droves of his best customers apparently believe Life is either too boring, too painful, too bleak — simply too repellent to offer any value. You might say they live on a sort of self-imposed Death Row; but at least they have the freedom to choose the time and method of their denouement — a high place, a wet place, a deadly narcotic, firearm, rope, blade, toxin, CO exhaust. Lucifer isn’t partial to method. He’s only interested in outcome. He disagrees vehemently with those who suggest that Life is inviolate and therefore can not be manipulated by those who believe they own it. The subject is creepy enough, to be sure. But it can’t be avoided can it? Death Row inmates in 31 States live it every day — where the Justice System routinely adjudicates the time and method of their expiration. In opposition, 19 States have resolved that one potentially innocent Life is not theirs to take; ergo, no Life is. Satan Himself has mixed emotions about this dichotomy in the Justice System. Keeping His allies alive is good for business, only if they can support His work. Otherwise, He’s all for pulling the plug. In the interest of fair play, you have a different view. You suggest the Justice System should allow all relevant parties to have a say in the matter of Death. The next of kin could have the choice of personally administering death, or sparing the accused. As a last request, the remorseful accused could be allowed to choose the manner of execution. For their part, Judges could decide that specific punishments should fit specific crimes — stabbing for stabbing, asphyxiation for asphyxiation, bludgeon for bludgeon. As for Old Scratch, He couldn’t care less about these judicial proceedings. He’s happy to leave Death Row to the system. He would much rather visit the homes, heads and hearts of his unsuspecting recruits — those he knows are primed to self destruct and, in particular, those poised to destroy others. He revels in His work — in the mammoth size of such a receptive audience. Meanwhile, America remains dumbstruck when Death visits — again and again. America’s loud voices accuse those who must be responsible. America’s loud voices demand to know answers to the question — why do these killings keep happening? Incredulous, Old Scratch listens, smiles and whispers to Himself, “Are they serious?”