Article V.

With the election only days away, you allow yourself to engage in fantasy — that through some ingenious cyber manipulation, you can speak to and be heard by every American voter. Given that power and realizing the diversity of the audience, you naturally would attempt to be charitable, respectful and civil in your remarks. You might say something like this: Assuming you’re not a card carrying member of the current Federal elected ruling class or a hired employee of the Federal bureaucracy, you need to put aside your inbred prejudices and your dumb party loyalty. For once in your life, put aside your pointless feelings, shut down your frivolous Facebook page and see if you can bring yourself to face those terribly inconvenient things called facts. Maybe you don’t know what a fact is. It’s a thing that’s true. If your brain can process that definition, try to keep it engaged for the rest of this. Forget your heart, your spleen, your genitals, your feelings and your emotion. It’s time you give the election as much attention as you waste on American Idol, the NFL or Desperate Housewives. No doubt you think it’s all so complicated. Anyway, you say that everybody knows all politicians are alike. What a lazy cop-out. Do you ever drop to your knees to give thanks to the people who gave everything that gave you the privilege of living in the freest country on earth? Or are you just as spoiled as you are ignorant? Only a short 251 years ago, a few good men faced impossible obstacles that were light years north of complicated. How could they dare sever the bonds that bound them to the world’s most dominating superpower? Easy enough. They were willing to experience a premature and rather violent death. How could they create a new nation dedicated to individual liberty? Imagine doing it. Put yourself in the shoes of a Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Washington, Hamilton or Franklin. Seriously, place yourself in that place at that time. You can’t. You don’t have the vision, wisdom, intellect or education. Most of all, you don’t have the courage. But you’re not alone. On this very day, neither do the people who occupy the People’s House in Washington D.C. Not even close. The Founders gave them, you and all Mankind an astonishingly brilliant plan of self government that revolutionized the human experience on earth. These men decided citizens should be free to pursue their own destinies and that governments must serve and preserve their rights — equally — before the law. But these men weren’t naive. They understood tyranny. They understood what it meant to have a dictatorship of the aristocracy. In painstaking detail, they devised a system of checks and balances to protect the people from a totalitarian government. Still, they weren’t satisfied. They knew it was possible, if not likely, for the Federal Government to become corrupted, and thus, autocratic. Shrewdly, they conceived Article Five of The Constitution. The Founders could not have imagined the level of treachery, criminality and cowardice that would come to infect your country’s hallowed halls; but in their genius, they gave you a clear remedy. Yes, Article Five. Admit you’re clueless. Admit you don’t know what it says or what it means. Unlike many of today’s college graduates, The Founders actually could read and write. And this is what they wrote to protect you and me:

Article Five of the U.S. Constitution

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress. . . .

This is your remedy — your only remedy — to do what Donald Trump says needs to be done — “drain the swamp.” If he’s elected, he can make a dent but he can’t wage a one man war. Federal Government corruption is too deep and too pervasive. We the people must support a Convention of States. The movement already has begun. Fifteen states are on board. Put aside your petty self interest to save your country. Go to the URL below. Read every word, click the “Visit the COS Simulation” link and listen to every word. This is real. This is not 1776. But it is the beginning of the Second American Revolution. No one’s  asking you to lay down your life as did generations of Americans before you. But you can at least look at facts. You can take an interest. And you can become part of history.

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