Beat The Odds.

You woke up in the early morning of November 9 and went straight to the obituaries. You scanned dozens, looking for the name America, certain that she finally bit the dust. She had been terminally ill for years, each year becoming weaker, vital organs deteriorating one by one. And just the day before, all the medical experts said it was only a matter of hours. She was taken off life support. The clergy arrived to administer last rites. Then you saw it. Not on the obit page. But on the front page, top of the fold, the massive headline shouted: AMERICA LIVES. The story said she encountered a near death experience, only to revive and proclaim a cure of epic proportion. My God, Matilda, can you believe it? Think of the odds. Think of the massive opposition.** Contrary to historic behavior for sitting Presidents, Barak Obama stumped vigorously for Hillary, imploring, if not demanding, that African Americans must do their duty. The Major Media Complex eviscerated Trump every hour on the hour in ways seen and unseen. The pillars of the GOP Establishment — the Bush Family, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, John McCain, Lindsay Graham, John Kasich, Rob Portman, Ben Sasse, Ron Paul and many sitting  Congressmen — publicly rejected him and worked to derail a GOP victory. The self avowed Conservative punditry, including Glenn Beck, Erick Erickson, George Will, Bill Kristol, David French, Brad Thor and many others — hammered him relentlessly during and after the primaries, vowed never to compromise their lofty principles; and publicly said they would not vote for him. You ask yourself repeatedly — what possible motive could persuade staunch public figures to hand back the White House keys to  the Clinton Crime Family? What do these people have to lose? What do they fear? You want the answer to be simple. It’s not. Some of the them dislike Donald, dislike him viscerally, to their very core. Some of them distrust his temperament, believing he’s unqualified to play a necessary and serious political game. As crippled as America is, some do believe in an all powerful, centralized government dedicated to globalism. On a personal level, some may see him as a threat to their own relevance. But the root cause of their discontent is this: Donald Trump unceremoniously crashed their party. A TRUE OUTSIDER is simply not allowed. Obama at least “organized” communities and briefly sat in the Senate. The hated Ted Cruz was a state solicitor general and Washington lawmaker. Everyone — EVERYONE — on the national stage has done time — school board, city council, mayor, ward leader, state legislator, fundraiser, precinct worker — SOMETHING, SOME INVESTMENT, SOME CONTRIBUTION. YOU JUST DON’T DECIDE BECAUSE YOU’RE A RICH DUDE YOU CAN WALTZ IN HERE AND STEAL THIS JOB WHEN ALL OF US OUT HERE HAVE BEEN BUSTING ASS FOR DECADES, HELPING ELECT EACH OTHER, FIGHTING THE FIGHT. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? YOU HAVE TO EARN YOUR WAY IN THIS BUSINESS. YOU HAVE TO EARN YOUR STRIPES. YOU HAVE TO DESERVE THOSE STRIPES. And that’s the bottom line. Donald Trump occupies a unique place in American history. He stands completely alone. Only five presidents before him never held elected office; however, every one of those five  “worked” for the Federal Government. Zachary Taylor, Ulysses Grant and Dwight Eisenhower were military commanders. William Howard Taft was Secretary of War. Herbert Hoover was Secretary of Commerce. Twenty-five years ago, Reagan tore down the Berlin wall. Five days ago, Trump knocked down the Beltway Club door — a door open only to Insiders. Every Insider owes allegiances. As in the Mafia, you have to be “made” to earn a seat at the table. Whatever his accomplishments may prove to be, Donald Trump will never be accepted by the Washington aristocracy. He is too much like the people who elected him — ordinary American citizens who bleed red, white and blue. He stood alone. He beat the odds.



Former Sec. of State Colin Powell
New York Rep. Richard Hanna
Richard Armitage, deputy secretary of state under George W. Bush
Former New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd WhitmanFormer Conn. Rep. Chris Shays
Former Minnesota Gov. Arne Carlson
Sally Bradshaw, adviser to Jeb Bush
Meg Whitman, Republican fundraiser
Mark Salter, former aide McCain speechwriter
Robert Kagan, senior fellow, Brookings Institution
David Ross Meyers, former George W. Bush staffer
Harry Sloan, GOP financier for McCain, Romney, and Kasich
Cindy Guerra, former GOP chair, FLA
Lionel Sosa, adman for Reagan & GW
Ben Howe, con. editor, RedState website
Jamie Weinstein, sr. ed., Daily Caller
Carlos Gutierrez, former Sec’y of Commerce
Rosario Marin, former U.S. Treasurer
Richard J. Cross, III, GOP Speechwriter
Former Va. Sen. John Warner
Former New York Rep. Sherwood Boehlert
Former MD Rep. Connie Morella
Former MN Sen. David Durenberger
Michael Chertoff, former Secretary of HS for GW
Frank Lavin, former Reagan political director
Phil Brady, assistant to VP George H.W. Bush
Jim Cicconi, asst to Reagan
James Clad, former asst defense sec’y
Former MD state Sen. Howard Denis
Doug Elmets, former Reagan speechwriter
Miguel “Mike” Fernandez, Miami billionaire for Jeb
Charles Fried, US solicitor general under Reagan
Diedra Garcia, Colo. Chamber of Commerce CEO
New Hampshire State Rep. Carlos Gonzalez*
James Kunder, former Bush assistant administrator for Asia
Jimmy LaSalvia, co-founder, GOProud
Jennifer Pierotti Lim, co-founder, GOP Women for Hillary
Former U.S. Treasurer Rosario Marin
Former Penn. State Sen. Jack McGregor
John Negroponte, deputy secretary of state for GW
David Nierenberg, former finance chair for Romney
Richard Painter, former associate counsel to GW
Henry M. Paulson, Jr., former Treasury Sec’y
William A. Pierce, former public affairs sec’y, H & Human Services
William K. Reilly, former EPA admin.
Nicholas Rostow, former special assistant to Reagan and George H.W.
Deborah Loewer, Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy (Ret.)
William Ruckelshaus, Former EPA Administrator to Reagan and Nixon
Scott Rutter, Lt Col, U.S. Army (Ret.) Romney for President
Claudine Schneider, Former U.S. Congresswoman
John J.H. Schwarz, Former MI Congressman
Brent Scowcroft, Former Nat’l Sec. Adv. to Ford and George H.W. Bush
Rick Stoddard, Rep. and Banker in Denver
Ambassador Pete Teeley, Press Sec’y to VP George H.W. Bush
Robert H. Tuttle, Former Asst. to Reagan;
Lezlee Westine, Former Director of Public Liaison
Grant Woods, Arizona Attorney General
Larry Pressler, former U.S. House of Representatives
William Milliken, Michigan Governor
Louis Wade Sullivan, sec’y, H & H services under George H.W.
Donald Gregg: VP George H.W. nat’l sec. adv.
Former New Hampshire Sen. Gordon Humphrey
Ana Navarro, Republican strategist


Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk*
Maine Sen. Susan Collins*
Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse*
South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham (2016 presidential candidate)*
Virginia Rep. Scott Rigell
Florida Rep. Carlos Curbelo
Mass. Gov. Charlie Baker
Florida Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen*
Iowa Sen. David Johnson (formerly Republican, now an Independent)*
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan*
Mich. Rep. Justin Amash*
South Carolina Rep. Mark Sanford*
Wisconsin Rep. Reid Ribble*
Illinois Rep. Bob Dold*
Dave Yost, Ohio auditor of state
Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger*
Mitt Romney, 2012 GOP nominee, former Massachusetts governor
Former Fla. Sen. Mel Martinez
Former Minn. Sen. Norm Coleman
Former Texas Rep. Ron Paul
Eliot Cohen, counselor of the Department of State
Former Fla. Gov. Jeb Bush, 2016 Republican presidential candidate
Former Okla. Rep. J.C. WattsFormer Penn. Gov. Tom Ridge
Paul Wolfowitz, deputy secretary of defense for George W. Bush
Former Oklahoma Rep. Mickey Edwards
Rudy Fernandez, former special assistant to George W. Bush
Former South Carolina Rep. Bob Inglis
Ken Mehlman, former Republican National Committee chairman
Patrick Ruffini, Republican strategist and early #NeverTrump adopter
Tim Miller, former spokesman for Jeb Bush
Peter Wehner, GOP strategis
Liz Mair, GOP strategist
Rick Wilson, Republican operative
Stuart Stevens, top strategist, Romney 2012
Kevin Madden, former Mitt Romney communications director
Bill Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard
Erick Erickson, conservative, former editor of RedState
Steve Deace, conservative commentator and radio talk show host
Brian Bartlett, GOP communications strategist
Jay Caruso, contributing editor at RedState
Linda Chavez, conservative columnist
Mindy Finn, GOP media strategist, independent VP candidate
Jon Gabriel, editor-in-chief of Ricochet
Stephen Hayes, senior writer at The Weekly Standard
Glenn Beck, host of The Glenn Beck Program and founder of TheBlaze
Nathan Wurtzel, Make America Awesome Again super PAC
George Will, Washington Post columnist and Fox News commentator
Bruce Carroll, creator of
Mona Charen, senior fellow at Ethics and Public Policy Center
Dean Clancy, former FreedomWorks vice president
Rory Cooper, GOP strategist, senior adviser to the Never Trump PAC
Daniel Vajdich, senior fellow at the Atlantic Council
Michael Graham, conservative radio host
Connor Walsh, former digital director for Eric Cantor, founder of Build Digital
Jonah Goldberg, senior editor at National Review
Alan Goldsmith, former staffer, House Foreign Affairs Committee
Stephen Gutowski, Free Beacon staff writer
Ross Douthat, New York Times columnist
Doug Heye, former communications director for the Republican National Committee
Brad Thor, conservative author
Charlie Sykes, radio show host
Erik Soderstrom, conservative blogger
David French, National Review writer
Jennifer Rubin, conservative opinion columnist for the Washington Post
Quin Hillyer, conservative columnist
Utah Rep. Mia Love*
Nevada Sen. Joe Heck*
Ariz. Sen. John McCain*
New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte*
W. Va. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito*
Ohio Sen. Rob Portman*
Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski*
Ohio Gov. John Kasich, former 2016 presidential candidate*
Utah Gov. Gary Herbert*
Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley*
Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval*
Nevada Rep. Crescent Hardy*
California Rep. Steve Knight
Pennsylvania Rep. Charlie Dent*
Florida Rep. Tom Rooney*
California Rep. David G. Valadao*
New Jersey Rep. Frank LoBiondo*
Minnesota Rep. Erik Paulsen*
Frmr Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty
Frmr California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
New Jersey Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno*

Source: NBC

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