Another school shooting. Tragic, yes. Surprising, no. Certainly by now you have come to expect and anticipate the next homicidal eruption and can only nod with sadness when it happens. Peculiarly, the nation’s broadcast media seems astonished by youth on youth butchery. In predictable knee-jerk fashion, outraged “journalists” and entertainment celebrities excoriate the Federal Government to torpedo the weapons industry. Yes, you refer to that same Federal Government that so efficiently and honorably dealt with Ruby Ridge, Waco and Benghazi. No one can calculate the pain associated with the murder of children. Parents, relatives and friends can find no earthly succor. Not now. Not ever. You can understand why Big Media concentrates on death. Death is big news. Seventeen deaths is calamitous news — so calamitous that NRA haters place blame and demand a solution. But while politicians and talking heads pontificate about the horror of Parkland, 63 homicides in Chicago have zero sensational appeal. The 20 murders in the past 30 days in Baltimore are of little consequence to anyone — except for the victims’ parents, relatives and friends who can find no earthly succor. Every day, in case you’re interested, teenage blood flows on the streets of St. Louis, Detroit, Hartford, New Orleans and dozens of other cities. But you won’t hear CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC and FOX beat the drum and demand a solution. It’s just as well. Because there is no solution. There is no solution because there is no reversing the relentless decline of America’s culture. The unassailable fact is this — gratuitous violence is a fundamental tenet of what has become a dissolute culture. And that violence begins — where else — inside the walls of the All-American family. No one needs to draw you a picture. On a daily basis, parents and children alike entertain themselves with TV vulgarity and video game barbarity. Perhaps you haven’t kept up with that entertainment. Here’s a small sample, only 8 of dozens, courtesy of
Mortal Kombat — A classic, MK upped the bloody ante by adding realistic finishing-move fatalities, including the ripping out of hearts, heads and spines.
Manhunt — Trapped in a snuff-film-style reality show, you kill enemies in increasingly gruesome ways, using everything from plastic bags to crowbars to pickaxes.
Thrill Kill — With . . . creepy S&M themes, the planned PlayStation fighter makes Mortal Kombat look soft.
Chiller — Even by today’s standards, this torture-themed, light-gun game is gruesome and nasty.
Super Columbine Massacre RPG — Inventive? Demented? Either way, (this) freeware game is as un-P.C. as they come, inspiring V-Tech Rampage and other bad-karma, homemade shock-fests.
The Darkness II — If guns and environmental kills weren’t enough for you, The Darkness’ tendrils offer . . . brutal executions throughout the course of the game.
Grand Theft Auto V — one sequence is so violent we . . . acknowledge it separately: a torture scene. It includes water boarding, electrocution, knee breaking and more.
Postal — The title reveals the premise–a merciless killing spree.
You don’t need to be a psychotherapist to suggest that the average teenager has become inured to Death. But, for now, put aside the shooting, stabbing, raping, dismembering and chainsawing. The love of violence is just a symptom of deep decay. The American family is in tatters. Divorce is an easy fix for adults — the kids don’t count. Fathers are MIA. Single mothers invite live-in boyfriends. Teen promiscuity is pandemic. Killing babies is big business. Rampant drug and alcohol abuse enters the best of homes. Profanity is peachy. Immorality is cool and Christianity is cornball. Meanwhile, Parkland plans a march on Washington to cast blame and demand gun control. Blame the politicians, blame the NRA, blame gun manufacturers, blame gun-toting American citizens, blame the free enterprise system, blame the Church, blame Trump, blame God. But whatever you do, don’t blame your parents, don’t blame Parkland’s Mayor, don’t blame local law enforcement, don’t blame the FBI, don’t blame the Parkland School Board, don’t blame the officials of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, don’t blame Hollywood, don’t blame Television, don’t blame vulgar rap music, don’t blame substandard public education, don’t blame unfit teachers, don’t blame the drug culture, don’t blame Facebook or Twitter or Instagram, and definitely don’t blame yourself. Blame anyone and everyone. Take away the guns. And while you’re at it, take away individual freedom. Then, as the massacres continue, you may have to concede, however reluctantly, that American culture has a fetid sickness. And it has nothing to do with guns.
Spot on, brother. Fetid comes close, but doesn’t quite get there….it’s true just as you describe it….no doubt, but the blame isn’t just a matter of blame….it’s basically that many of our population simply don’t give a shit. About anything, really, not even the crap they think motivates their lives. They don’t really care for the “music” or the drugs or the gratuitous sexuality….take it away and their lives won’t change for better or worse. The just don’t give a shit. Sorry.