Early on the fateful November morning following the 2014 midterm election, the GOP arose from the dead; and news of the resurrection sped through airwaves and digital pathways like an Asian tsunami. The pundits couldn’t wait for their turn on stage to analyze, speculate, predict, deliberate, ruminate and fulminate. They did, and they still do; and the analysis avalanche will not end anytime soon. It’s all so juicy, isn’t it? But what you heard from pundits isn’t at all startling. Except for Tom Brokaw who usually tempers or fakes his political bias. Tight-lipped and bitter, he was fiercely churlish in his denunciation of the outcome. The Liar-in Chief, and his lackeys (like Josh Earnest) inferred that the beat-down represented little more than one third of registered voters — meaning, of course, that the two-thirds who stayed home are still loyal to his policies and vision. In truth, the low turnout wasn’t unusual for a midterm; but many experts believed the polarized electorate in 2014 would come to the polls in great numbers. And the Anointed One had no doubt his groupies would lead the charge, flocking to the ballot box to solidify power as a measure of their love and affection. Such is the hauteur of the narcissistic personality. But it didn’t happen. There was no charge — not even a jog. You have a theory, rooted in Psychology 101, that explains the absence of the Democrat (and perhaps Independent) base and it has nothing at all to do with traditional midterm apathy. Millions of Democrat voters would never, could never, go to the polls and commit treason — tapping a GOP name — for any office. These Democrats are not Socialists, not Communists, not even Progressives. These aren’t even the Hard Left. These are mainstream “ancestral” Democrats — they choose the Jackass because their ancestral tree demands it — they can’t cross over to enemy lines and dishonor the family, brothers and neighborhood, anymore than a Tar Heel could embrace a “Dukie.” Just doesn’t happen. But these Dems knew their team was fumbling and stumbling out of control; they grudgingly, perhaps subconsciously, had to do something to stop America’s bleeding; they had to do something, even if it meant letting the enemy in the back door to clean up a six-year-old mess. So they did. They did nothing. By staying home, they could avoid outright betrayal. They could avoid admitting their leader fed them a noxious pot of stew. They could avoid admitting they ate the stew and incomprehensibly went back for a second helping. They could always blame defeat on somebody or something else. But no lessons will be learned from this debacle because blind loyalty, prejudice and predisposition always, always trump intelligence and common sense. If this conclusion were not true, you would witness the end of mob mentality. The GOP now has two years to draft a New Contract With America, to communicate that contract throughout the land and nail it to the Oval Office desk. No petty squabbling. No equivocation. This action alone will help restore sanity and hope for the future. It will lay the groundwork for a stronger America. And, as surely as the sun shines on the Sahara, it will free the rank and fileĀ mainstream Dems to go to the polls in 2016 and bow to their ancestral instincts — to their blind loyalty.