
No one admits to being brainwashed. Makes sense. Because if you make that admission, it must suggest you are either psychologically or intellectually impaired, or both. For the most part, that suggestion is bogus. Recorded history proves that millions of responsible, rational people have bowed to sneaky manipulation — and worse, the acceptance of it. Before you venture down a rat hole, get the definition straight. Brainwashing is covert manipulation. It has nothing to do with open education but has everything to do with dogged indoctrination — most apparent where it is most deadly — grades 1-6. By the time students matriculate to higher education, their minds are compliant sieves, ready to soak up the socialist ideology that dominates the so-called halls of higher “learning.” Fortunately for America, the majority of students skip the university playground and sidestep the often meaningless degrees. Instead, they matriculate to the work force, to trade schools, to apprenticeships, to the school of hard knocks, to entrepreneurship, to free enterprise. These are the people who make America work. They are the mainstays, the builders, the producers. They choose essential work while their university counterparts push paper. Thankfully, America’s hard hats aren’t as gullible as progressive Lefties. But even they aren’t immune to the unrelenting brainwashing schemes of mass communication. Begin with COVID. Make sure you spread fear and panic that CV is a death sentence. Hammer that theme. Mislead the rabble that wearing a cloth mask keeps you safe. Ignore mask behavior on TV. Ignore that everyone touches masks repeatedly, spreading their pathogens by not sanitizing their hands. Report the daily number of cases locally, statewide and nationally. Report by name every public figure that contracts the virus and especially one who dies. Always suppress the truth about the human devastation of state shutdowns. RACIAL INJUSTICE gets top billing. TV “public service” announcements (PSA) and corporate advertisers produce propaganda, especially for sport programming, that say “by working together, we can solve racial injustice.” You see, the messages are assumptive. They allege (without saying) “If you’re not black, you’re guilty.” The commentary is like the tide, continuously seducing you to believe that systemic racism is in fact real. Meanwhile Black America never, ever, publicly accepts responsibility for black “inequality.” SOCIAL ENGINEERING is in your face 24-7. Hundreds of times daily, advertising promotes mixed race marriages and relationships, as if they are the majority. Black America is 13% of the population. Yet television networks couldn’t care less, as black actors appear in over 50% of advertising and programming. THE BIG LIE works again and again. Big Media, Big Tech and Big Entertainment own the nation’s microphone. Their strategy is as old as the first witch doctor of the very first tribe — lie repeatedly and suppress the truth repeatedly. Above all, mass media understands one precept — if you keep pushing the same lie, the general public will believe it. History proves that their presumption is valid. COMMENT: The Founders understood the power of what then was called “the press,” but they believed the Balance of Powers (BOP) backed by The Constitution would offset corruption, ignorance and media brainwashing. The Founders also predicted the danger of a central government, therefore putting absolute power under the jurisdiction of the several States. Surely, they thought, their redundant safeguards would protect the Republic from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Sorry, boys, the POTUS, SCOTUS and Congress succumbed to power and self interest and the several States betrayed your trust by abdicating their duty. Average Americans did their best. They worked, paid taxes, fought and died in wars, worshiped God, built the infrastructure and trusted leaders to honor their oaths of office. But now America itself — Her founding principle — is under attack. Brainwashing has done its job, Matilda. You know Americans who are OK with the New World Order, who are either ambivalent or apathetic about American sovereignty. You keep looking to the States to exercise their power — legally. It’s either that — or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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