The American people are getting ready to hire another President to run things. They could use some help. Unfortunately, Angie’s List doesn’t recommend the best people for that particular job. It’s too bad. Because with Angie on the case, you can hire an electrician with no fear whatsoever. With Expedia, you can shell out five grand for a vacation and never think twice. But there’s no to help you make the most important hire you ever make. You’re just out of luck — uh,that is, unless you’re willing to take an entire half hour out of your life to read. That’s about how long it would take to flip through about 15 candidate resumes. A resume has nothing to do with your opinion, nothing to do with prejudice, nothing to do with gender, nothing to do with race and nothing to do with looks. A resume has zero interest in feelings or emotions or extenuating circumstances. A decent resume is antiseptic, clinical. And it helps if it isn’t blatantly dishonest. Which brings you to Hillary. When you last checked, her resume didn’t disclose her greatest talent — Consummate Liar. It proudly cites her education at Wellesley and Yale and her brief law career. It says she was a First Lady in Arkansas and Washington, a Senator from NY and Secretary of State. But strangely no mention of trivial qualifications like character and basic honesty. That investigation is up to you; so that’s another half hour out of your busy schedule. Come to think of it, don’t waste your time. Hillary’s pattern of deceit and corruptness was documented 20 years ago by the late NY Times columnist William Safire. He wrote, “Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our First Lady . . . is a congenital liar. . . Drip by drip, like Whitewater torture, the case is being made that she is compelled to mislead . . . she is in the longtime habit of lying; and she has never been called to account for lying herself or in suborning lying in her aides and friends.” Safire didn’t live long enough to witness the Benghazi catastrophe and cover-up, or the email criminal violations. But you have to give Hillary an A for consistency — she’s not partisan. She’ll lie about anything and everything, serious and silly. Benghazi and EMailGate are nothing less than atrocities. People died. National security exposed. On a lighter note, she pretended to face sniper fire in Bosnia, a brazen claim that must have given Brian Williams courage. Claiming to have been named after Everest conquerer Sir Edmund Hillary bordered on psychosis because, inconveniently, she was born five years before his feat. She said she opposed NAFTA. Not. Who can forget, “We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt.” Maybe that was justification for stealing White House furnishings. When she invested $6300 into cattle futures, yielding $99K in 10 months, she said it was blind luck. She said Chelsea was jogging outside the World Trade Center on Sept. 11 and happened to duck into a coffee shop when the planes hit. Another whopper. Chelsea was four miles away, watching the tragedy on TV. And the beat goes on. The Whitewater Scandal. The missing Rose Law firm files that showed up at her White House digs. TravelGate. So many lies. So many that Carl Bernstein said she was “a specialist at it.” Well, why not? She had a world-class mentor in Slick Willy, the man the National Review called “a Renaissance man of lying.” Now she desperately wants to follow in his footsteps as Commander In Chief; and from all indications, millions of Americans are OK with ignoring her deceit and treachery, as if to recite their heroine’s own words: “What difference at this point does it make?” If they were here, Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty could answer that question. The question you have for every American — on behalf of those four men, is — can you answer it?