Donald Trump finally slipped up, made a boo boo. By now, you think he would know what needs to be done when you live in the loony bin that is Washington. What you do, Donald, is you don’t nominate Brett Kavanaugh to hold a seat on the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh is the progeny of a momma judge and poppa CEO, raised in Bethesda, educated at Georgetown prep and Yale, privileged and lily-white. How boring. By the time Democrat hoodlums — the ones that pass themselves off as Senators — get through with him, he can hole up in his home office and write his high school memoirs. Apparently, Christine Blasey Ford is a professor. You could have guessed. Another left wing, left coast, irrelevant educator who has waited 30 years to spill the beans because her “conscience” wouldn’t allow her to remain silent. Another brave feminist. What courage. She probably didn’t blow the whistle back when because secretly she took a little pride being physically acceptable enough to attract the opposite sex. Oh, you forgot, the teenagers allegedly were drunk. In any event, Trump made a mistake. He should have nominated a black, female, lesbian socialist. Had he done so, it would be the second time in recent years that all members of the Mainstream Media would experience a collective epic orgasm. Those insensitive and shameful slurs aside, only females should be nominated to the Supreme Court. You offer this recommendation soberly. No red blooded male would dare come forward decades after the fact and accuse a female SCOTUS nominee of sexual misconduct, much less rape. It doesn’t happen. Females are never aggressors, never attempt to lure men, never have motives or prejudices that could be called into question. By nature, men are born predator perverts. If every male member of Congress were examined under hypnosis, you would learn that each was guilty of masturbating routinely as teenagers. The same could not be said for females because everyone knows females don’t masturbate; and who could stomach a Supreme Court female judge who did? I’m sure Ruth Bader Ginsberg would agree. By restricting the high court to females, nominations and confirmations would wrap up in no longer than a week, allowing Senators to make better use of their time — huddling with favorite lobbyists or flying to foreign lands or playing online poker at their desks. The Kavanaugh hearings have revealed two salient facts:
One, Congress, and in this case, the Senate, is a cesspool, not a swamp.
Two, Senate lawmakers couldn’t carry Kavanaugh’s jock (Barney Frank of course would have enjoyed that) — not in high school, not in college and not now.
Finally and not surprisingly, the GOP has displayed its craven impotence. Or is it treachery? Does the GOP want Trump to get his man? Does the GOP want Trump’s success? You don’t think so. You think Kavanaugh is not the target. Trump is. The cesspool stinks.
Postscript: Two Rino GOP Senators threaten to vote “No.” Guess who. Bingo. Females.