Clarity Of Thought

This is the second time in the 21st Century that Fodder has hosted a guest commentator. His name is Tom Klingenstein. He will introduce himself. His video message runs for about 17 minutes. You believe his message should be viewed by all who prefer America to any other country in the world. Those who devalue America will dismiss it. As an aspiring writer, you know without doubt that Mr. Klingenstein labored over his message. He identified a simple theme, carefully chose every word, structured every sentence, every paragraph. He reads his essay in a straightforward, dispassionate, focused manner — eliminating exaggeration, false claims, hyperbole or churlishness. You don’t expect anyone will offer a more luminous, objective analysis of the State of America and the coming election. You have listened to this summation four times and urge anyone else to listen at least twice and forward to friends, foes, elected officials, etc. You would be surprised if traditional Democrats themselves did not give pause and think. Nothing has come from the U. S. Congress — either Party — that offers this clarity of thought.

Ed. Note: If you want to forward, simply copy and paste link below.

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