Many millions of Americans would tell you that they hold no political allegiance whatsoever — that they are Independent. Millions of Democrat and GOP party members claim they do not toe their party line — that they vote for the best candidate and the right policies, regardless of party. These are the shufflers and hedgers who, like Congressmen, love a little “wiggle room.” Then you have the Loyalists. These are the staunch partisans who cast aside all rational thought in favor of deep-seated prejudice. In approximately 33 AD, a Loyalist mob chose Barabbas over Jesus Christ. In 1776, disciples of King George III would never turn their backs on the Motherland and the Monarchy in favor of independence. In 1985, a big city neighborhood demonstrated its fervent support of John Gotti, a celebrity thug and murderer. In 2008 and again in 2012, above all other considerations, Racists paid total homage to the skin color of one Barack Obama. In each case, these Loyalists knew who they were, publicized who they were and made no excuses for their prejudice or bigotry. In America today, most of these people are Democrats; and they have many other American allies — closet Democrats who, like Socialists, either don’t know or strangely refuse to admit their affiliation. If by chance you don’t happen to know who you are, now is your chance to find out. It’s pretty simple, really. Just answer ” I Agree” or “I Disagree,” or “I don’t know,” to the following statements:
I believe the Federal Government should provide welfare benefits, like food stamps, housing, cash aid, etc. (Agree) (Disagree) (I don’t know).
I believe the Federal Government should run the nation’s Healthcare System (Agree) (Disagree) (I don’t know).
I believe the Federal Government should run the Education System (Agree) (Disagree) (I don’t know).
I believe the Federal Government should govern the nation’s Energy (Agree) (Disagree) (I don’t know).
I believe the Federal Government should provide free contraceptive and abortion services (Agree) (Disagree) (I don’t know).
I believe the Federal Government should repeal the 2nd Amendment (Agree) (Disagree) (I don’t know).
I believe the Federal Government should repeal the 4th Amendment (Agree) (Disagree) (I don’t know).
I believe the Federal Government should be responsible for taking care of those who can’t or won’t take care of themselves (Agree) (Disagree) ( I don’t know).
I believe the Federal Government should not be required to have a Balanced Budget (Agree) (Disagree) (I don’t know).
I believe the Federal Government should at least double the tax rate on the rich (those making over $200,000) (Agree) (Disagree) (I don’t know).
I believe the Federal Government should grant amnesty to all illegal aliens. (Agree) (Disagree) (I don’t know).
I believe the Federal Government should eliminate any reference to God in public institutions (Agree) (Disagree) (I don’t know).
If you answered “Agree” to six (6) statements, you’re a certified Socialist. If you answered “Agree” to two (2) statements, you’re a Democrat. If you answered “I don’t Know” to more than one (1) statement, you’re not qualified to vote. If you answered “Disagree” to ten (10) statements, you’re a RINO. If you answered “Disagree” to all twelve (12) statements, you’re a hybrid — part Republican and Libertarian. You probably say you don’t fit neatly into any of these categories. In fact, you resent being categorized like some kind of mindless robot. No, you’re one of those independent thinkers who knows there’s a little bit of good and a little bit of bad in all of God’s creatures (if you happen to believe in God). You don’t see issues in black and white because there’s always room for compromise. The words “right” and “wrong” don’t apply any longer, do they? You have to love Independents who occupy the moral high ground. They feel clean. Never devious. Always principled and conscientious. Never really at fault, no matter what they think, because they vote pragmatically. As a Judge, Pontius Pilate demonstrated an independent, pragmatic mind. He made a rational decision. And like any good independent, washed his hands of it. Clean.