He will have to show up for a press conference clad in his Thobe, Bisht and perhaps Ghutra & Egal, before the fawning press and brainless public will begin to consider that Barack Obama might just be, possibly, perchance, maybe — a devout Muslim. To most observers, there seems to be only a smidgen of evidence that suggests the President might regularly kneel to the East. Or maybe you should ignore the fact that he was born to a Muslim father, fostered by a Muslim stepfather in a Muslim nation where he was registered in school as — a roll of drums, please — a Muslim. To be fair, you should ignore BO’s documented support of the Muslim Brotherhood. While you’re at it, don’t forget to ignore the POTUS bowing and scraping before Muslim potentates. It’s easy enough to ignore his interview with the NY Times when he described the Muslim call to prayer as “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.” You may choose to ignore these first few lines:
Allah is Supreme.
Allah is Supreme.
Allah is Supreme. Allah is Supreme.
I witness that there is no god but Allah.
I witness that there is no god but Allah.
I witness that Muhammad is his prophet. . .
Of course, you also must ignore words the POTUS studiously avoids. Words like “God” and “Christianity.” This avoidance comes as no surprise since in 2009, Obama told the Turks “we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.” To back up this claim, he routinely recited the most revered line of the most revered document in American history by omitting the phrase “by their Creator.” After you process that, try hard to ignore his previous references to “my Muslim faith.” And while you’re in the ignoring mood, this is the perfect time for you to tune out. Because everything the POTUS says about the Paris violence and the Syrian refugee initiative might lead you to believe that Americans are unduly paranoid and Muslims unduly reproached. In his own words, he lectured you and revealed a Freudian slip of the silver tongue: “I think on one hand non-Muslims cannot stereotype, but I also think the Muslim community has to think about how we make sure that children are not being affected with this twisted notion that somehow they can kill innocent people.” You can ignore these historical words, just as you can ignore historical premeditated acts — leaving Benghazi defenseless, leaving Iraq to ISIS, leaving Syria to Russia, leaving Iran a pathway to nuclear weapons, leaving American borders naked. You can also overlook that he quietly appointed Muslims to key posts within his Administration. Apparently, the rise of Obama and the rise of Islamic terrorism is simple coincidence. Apparently, the media, Congress, Governors and armchair pundits see nothing sinister in the Obama presidency — can not conceive the possibility of Muslim intrigue occupying the Oval Office — can not think the unthinkable. Apparently, BHO grew up a Muslim, walks like a Muslim, talks like a Muslim — so, he’s . . . a . . . Christian. Right.