Here’s the scene. The 25-year-old suspect sits on a metal folding chair in the interrogation room. He’s being held on suspicion of a nighttime home invasion that resulted in the murder of a 67-year-old retired schoolteacher. Freddy has a rap sheet, but nothing on it approaches the level of homicide. The detectives have the goods — more than enough evidence to prove that Freddy and his two buddies broke into Mr. Czarnecki’s small home to empty a safe they had reason to believe held a small fortune. Freddy’s ready to talk because he thinks of himself as the innocent victim of a robbery gone wrong. “We were just going to take the safe, that’s all. I admit it. But I didn’t know Terence had a gun and sure didn’t know he would use it; I was more surprised and scared than anyone. It was terrible, terrible. . . a terrible thing . . .” Freddy is telling the truth. He had no clue the night would end in what is known as felony murder. Nonetheless, he, Terence and Floyd each are charged with several felonies, including the brutal killing of a man minding his own business in his own home. Freddy is charged just as a getaway driver is charged in a violent bank robbery. Drivers don’t pull triggers and don’t wield knives; but under the law, they’re just as guilty as the killers. Aiding and abetting a crime is a grave offense. An accessory to crime, whether or not present at the commission of that crime, can be charged, even if the perpetrator beats the rap in court. You just saw this scenario acted out on the national stage. Hillary Clinton was guilty of at least one crime in the premeditated use of a private email server. On a massive scale, Clinton was guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice. Unquestionably, she was and is the perpetrator of crimes. And she beat the raps without facing censorship, without facing a grand jury and without facing a court appearance. Not so much as a slap on the wrist. But Clinton didn’t commit her crimes without a bevy of co-conspirators — devout accomplices who did her bidding. Some we know. Cheryl Mills, Heather Samuelson and John Bentel were granted immunity by the FBI, as were Bryan Pagliano and Paul Combetta. Others were in the tank as well. The FBI’s allegedly upright and untouchable James Comey put on his best blinders and gave the perpetrator and her pals a Get Out Of Jail Free Card, essentially telling all America that citizens of this country are not equal before the law, telling all America that the foundation of this Republic has been reduced to dust. Apparently, the die is cast. The administration of Justice is left to the Court of Last Resort — to the nation’s last remaining defense — the Ballot Box. If the accessory to crime is as guilty as the perpetrator, American voters who choose to aid the career criminal must by definition share both her past and future guilt. Consequently, in less than a month, millions of American people will be guilty. They risk nothing, of course. Nothing except their self respect. But nothing will erase the fact of their guilt. Not in a lifetime. This conclusion is not arguable. Hillary Clinton is an established hardened criminal. Anyone who supports her — anyone — lies in her polluted bed. Sweet dreams.
It is a shame that the American people are so ” stupid” that they allow this kind of conduct to go on. In my opinion if ( or when ) Hillary Clinton is elected it will be the biggest mistake that America has ever made.
Has God determined that our days are numbered here on this earth .