Citizens who love America, as self-avowed patriots, are suffering at this moment from some combination of emotions — among them, anger, fear, worry, desperation and melancholy. For some, even hate. In three short years, they have seen what amounts to an attempted overthrow of what you might call the American Ideal. They have seen Deep State Democrat operatives (perhaps with furtive GOP approval), engage in criminal activity to unseat Donald Trump. They have witnessed a complicit Media forsake its own historic underpinnings and join what amounts to sedition. And, now, they watch anarchists on the rampage — burning, looting, killing and tearing down America’s historic monuments. Most of these patriots might imagine that America’s Founders are turning in their graves in shock and disbelief. They would be dead wrong. If anything, Washington, Jefferson, Adams and Madison are sporting wry smiles, however sad. If you bothered to read their letters, you would have learned that none of them would have bet the ranch that their work could survive tyranny. Why would they? In the recorded history of the world, no organized nation had ever conceived the notion that individual human beings are sovereign, or that capitalism is the most moral of all economic systems. Government of the people? Are you kidding? In 2020, most of the civilized world still doesn’t buy it. Even so, Gentlemen, America hangs on by her fingernails to honor your sublime and divine gift — sometimes valiantly. Ironically, it was Patriots who carried your torch, Patriots who unfortunately gave birth to several generations of new Americans who have lost touch with history, industriousness, spirituality and morality — instead replacing virtue with nihilism, ignorance and godlessness. Like spoiled, arrogant children, they dismiss knowledge and wallow in a pathology steeped in self absorption and pity. Constant grievance is their disgruntled companion. Callous and soulless, they are woefully impoverished of purpose and meaning.
You have this message for them and all citizens, regardless of age, race, gender, color and religion: No one owes you anything.
You have the incredible gift of individual sovereignty.
You are endowed by your Creator with the right to Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness. As a citizen, that is your entitlement — period.
You’re entitled to all the provisions of the Bill of Rights.
You’re entitled to be free and responsible for yourself.
You’re entitled to privacy.
You’re entitled to the privilege of free speech.
If qualified, you’re entitled to vote in local, state and national elections.
You’re entitled to like, love and respect whom you want and to dislike, hate and disrespect whom you want.
You’re entitled to discriminate for or against anything or anyone you choose.
You’re entitled to associate with persons or refuse to associate with persons.
You’re entitled to support yourself and to own property.
You’re entitled to be a racist, a bigot, misogynist or homophobe, or all of the above.
You’re entitled to be generous, kind and charitable or to be stingy and inhumane.
You’re entitled to bear arms and defend yourself against individuals as well as tyrannical governments.
No matter who you are and whom you hate, you are not entitled to assault anyone or steal from them.
You’re not entitled to suppress the free speech of others.
You’re not entitled to have a job if no one wants to hire you.
You’re not entitled to charity and welfare.
You’re not entitled to free healthcare or anything else free.
You’re not entitled to break the law, including theft, murder, armed robbery and the defacing of private and public property.
The laws of America were crafted to protect your individual sovereignty. No other people in the world have had this degree of freedom and opportunity. If this freedom doesn’t satisfy you, you should state specifically what you believe you are owed, and who owes you.
You are free to divulge the roots of your discontent.
Be specific.