Get Ready.

Where and how to begin on Halloween night. That’s easy. You don’t make or lose money for being right or wrong, or for making judgments or predictions. As a deplorable, you have no “insider” information. Still, you predicted Romney’s embarrassing collapse, face to face and in writing to Romney “handlers.” You were right about why Trump was the right choice when 99% of pundits, all the pollsters and many friends and family members said he was the wrong choice. You were right to accuse Obama of being an anti-American, Islamic loving, narcissistic empty suit — before he was elected. You were right to accuse the NRCC of not wanting the benefit of your opinion — only the benefit of your money. And now you will make some of those extreme statements that could leave you with permanent egg on your face. It’s worth the risk. Anyone who thinks the impeachment proceeding against Donald is about impeachment is totally unzipped. Anyone who believes that the charges of collusion with Russia, or the payoff to Stormy Daniels, or the alleged quid pro quo with Ukraine, would bring down Donald, is out to lunch. The Lefties — Democrats, Media Industrial Complex, Deep State, secret GOP Trump Haters — all know Donald will finish his term and be on the ballot in 2020. They also know that the majority of American people don’t read and don’t investigate anything the Media dishes out. The attack on Donald has one purpose and one purpose only — simply to energize the Lefty base and to create doubt, enough doubt among enough Trump supporters, to take the White House, take the Senate and keep the House — to make a clean sweep — and eliminate the threat to their cushy occupations. Oh happy day for millennials who want free stuff. For females who want free birth control, including free abortion. Leeches who want free health care. Big Banks who want guarantees. Socialists who want open borders. Corporate bigwigs who want insider influence. Government unions who want entitlements. Government bureaucrats who “earn” six figures doing nothing. Oh Happy Day! The Democrats must win in 2020. They must win — no matter the cost. Any cost. Any behavior. But if they don’t, get ready for the aftershock. The trusting public will guess that Democrats  finally will get the message, will grin, bear it and pull in their horns. Anyone who believes that lunacy is truly lost in left field. Because as Trump continues to prime the pump, swamp dwellers will counterattack with a vengeance, counting on Mainstream Media to do their dirty work —  to disrupt, delay or suppress his plans. Get ready. Win or lose, The Left is like Freddie Krueger, Jason, Chucky and Dracula, combined. They are the walking dead. Although you supported Donald from the get-go and trust his instincts, you do think he missed a golden opportunity to make history, grab headlines and energize his base to a fever pitch. Now it’s too late. When impeachment became a daily headline, pushing aside real news, Donald should have called a press conference and said the following:

“Ladies and Gents, the American people have been abused for years; our Republic has been hijacked by the Democrat controlled House of Representatives and I have been slandered and libeled. On behalf of the American people and much of the world who depend on our stability, we need to promptly end the attempted blackmail by elected officials who swore to uphold The Constitution. For these reasons, I say: Impeach me. Impeach me now — immediately. Do not delay. Let’s get it on. I say to the Democrat Party — and to enabling Republicans — put your money where your mouth is and make your case legally before God and the People. We have a lot of work left to do, to keep America great, to end corruption and restore decency, honesty and due process to this country. We were elected to get things done and need to get back to work, at home and abroad.

Any questions?”

Donald missed his chance to do something no President has ever done. From his base he would have received a standing, protracted ovation. From the media, he would see references to his dementia — and a call for immediate confinement. Psychiatrists would suggest that his speech revealed a narcissistic personality disorder. His missed opportunity, however, means impeachment proceedings will drag on and on. The Dems will milk it for daily media coverage. the House will vote to impeach and the Senate will vote against the articles of impeachment. The corrupt Adam Schiff and all Deep State players, including Hillary Clinton, who have lied and colluded behind the scenes to unseat a sitting President, will walk away, either unscathed, or perhaps with a slap on the wrist. So much for equal justice before the law. This outcome is what’s known in business as a lose/lose situation. The big loser is the “Shining City on a Hill,” — that place for which millions of Americans have been killed and maimed trying to create, improve, protect and preserve. Strap it on. Whether or not you know it, your country is “under siege.”

Ed. Note: Do  Dems have an ace up their sleeve? Does the drive to impeach suggest yet another smoking gun yet to be unveiled? Doubt. It’s a delicious  game to play.

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