At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst.” – Aristotle
Here’s something to chew over, class. America is a Constitutional Republic. But without an honorable and equitable Department of Justice, no republic can stand. For the record, America’s DOJ went rogue the day that Donald Trump, against impossible odds, dared to be President. What has happened since — to him and to your country — is a tale of autocratic oppression. But nobody, including you, wants to engage in a Hannity-like, excruciating recitation of this dirty business and its dirty players. Rather, you prefer to summarize the mess in two sentences.
The United States of America, circa 2023, the most astonishing nation in recorded history, is in the terrible grip of deadly corruption and corrosive abuse of power.
As long as any elected politician covets a life-long career in Washington, the accrual of money and lust for power is an absolute certainty.
Every day, you hear news about what’s wrong. You hear the steady barrage of media commentary, from both the Left and Right. And at the end of every day, you’re assured of one thing only — you can trust none of it. Sad to say this, because a lot of people out there in the news biz do make a sincere effort to report the truth. Believing that most Americans at least aspire to the golden rule, you must ask: What insidious force compels others to cheat, lie, steal and commit murder? Why do these “others” knowingly destroy the lives of ordinary citizens? Many great minds have offered answers to these questions, but the answers just lie at your feet, helpless. In reality, then, there are no answers, only conjecture. So you’re left to conclude — that the insidious force is True Evil. Some who read this will declare that anyone at anytime is capable of evil. You don’t buy that opinion for a minute. Defending your life isn’t evil. Stealing food isn’t evil. Shoplifting isn’t evil. Adultery isn’t evil. Cheating the IRS isn’t evil. Wrongdoing isn’t evil. True enough, wrongdoing is unkind, immoral, distressing and often tragic. And it touches every American family. But common wrongdoing is not evil. No, True Evil resides primarily at the seats of power and wealth. Almost exclusively, it resides within the great halls of governments and within the executive offices and board rooms of giant corporations.* So what can you or anyone do about True Evil? Apparently, nothing. The GOP — that’s a political party that poses as an opposition party — believes that sending Benedict Biden and his cronies packing would solve America’s troubles. Assume for a minute that the GOP does prevail in 2024. Who believes the Federal Government will :
Cheerfully relinquish its stranglehold on every aspect of American life?
Put its fiscal house in order?
Seriously downsize?
And administer Justice equally?
Never happen, Matilda. The Federal Government suffers from the most virulent addiction there is — Power. Recognizing this affliction, and fearing for the future, pundits send out clarion calls, using words like “survival” and “extinction.” Many of them could not be more distressed about America. Yet you hear not one mention of a remedy. Not a perfect remedy. Not even a modest remedy. Meanwhile, Article V sits under glass, waiting impatiently on the hallowed pages of America’s Ruling Covenant, a unanimous gift from George Mason and his fellow founders. Your country is on fire and GOP leaders show their true colors by ignoring the one constitutional fix. But, of course, the GOP in Washington has no intention of fixing anything. GOP lawmakers prefer to put on shows for public consumption, bashing the Democrat Party for all its sins. Does the GOP really give a damn about your children and grandchildren? Really? You see no evidence of that concern. Talk, talk that goes nowhere, occupies the most important chapter in the GOP playbook. While on the local scene, State GOP legislators sit around and nitpick because engaging Article V of The Constitution might be risky. Risky? Really? Normandy was risky. Tons of fentanyl crossing the Southern border is risky. Destroying the dollar is risky. Take a good look at your state legislature. Do you hear passionate voices raised to end Federal tyranny? Do legislatures truly want to assume the power assigned to them by The Constitution? No, and Hell no. Ask your State Senator. Ask, and wait for the obscure reply. The GOOD NEWS ? Nineteen (19) state legislatures have acted to ratify a Convention of States (COS) resolution. In doing so, they have acted to preserve the system that honors individual freedom. With their COS endorsement, they pay homage to the millions who gave their lives to defeat True Evil at home and abroad. In the upcoming GOP primary debates, at least one candidate, if asked, or not, may step up, and before God and Mankind, endorse the Convention of States resolution. Now that would be some cool GOP talk that goes somewhere.
* It must be noted that many U.S. corporations, managed and operated with moral integrity, create products and services that benefit all of society. Many thanks to them. Ed.