
Countless times you sit with friends and acquaintances for relaxed good times. A chance to catch up, to drink up, dress up, fess up, cheer up and maybe learn to clam up. Sooner or later, politics takes the stage in the form of a casual remark, a pointed question or the report of late breaking news. That’s when the grumbling, griping and groaning begin. You can whine with the best of them and do exactly that. The primary target for group lamentation is the Swamp and the lawmakers who frolic in it. There’s no end to the criticism. Pick a topic, any topic. Preposterous national debt. Grotesque unfunded liability. Bloated bureaucracy. Corrupt Congress. Insidious immigration. Pernicious regulations. Substandard education. Perverted justice. Week after week, month after month, year after year, your group discussions plow the same deplorable ground, hoping, praying for America to shed its socialist inclination and rediscover its enlightened beginnings. But week after week nothing changes. We the people sit and wait. And talk. And complain. You agree Trump’s on the right track but he’s in a manually operated sidecar all by his lonesome. On his own, he can not and will not slay the dragon. All three branches of Government have conspired to murder The Constitution — methodically — like a sociopath who systematically feeds arsenic to a trusting victim. Sadly, most Americans are satisfied to stand by the bedside detachedly, to observe the long suffering victim.  Not lifting a finger. You tell hundreds of them that there’s a foolproof antidote to heal The Constitution — and the country. You urge them to actively support Article V and The Convention of States. The feedback? A dismissive shrug, a polite nod, a dubious wince, a thoughtful frown. A study in apathy. The irrelevant majority is irrelevant for any number of relevant reasons. Primary among them is simple indifference to anything that falls out of immediate self interest — the type of indifference exposed by Seinfeld characters who casually, if not humorously, observe the mugging of a helpless pedestrian. Or perhaps it’s an indifference borne out of abundance and complacency. However, this line of thinking, while applicable to a degree, is inordinately harsh as a blanket indictment. More accurately and fairly, the “irrelevant”constituency that favors limited government and constitutional integrity are the very people who also venerate the tenets of individual sovereignty. Typically, these people are in the ditch every day, determined to strengthen themselves and their families — to support themselves and thus their communities — to be charitable, useful and accountable. Selectively, they will attend political gatherings, meet privately with VIPs and donate money to candidates. But these individuals are not joiners. You won’t see them on a march, carrying signs, attending rallies or personally helping build a grass roots army. It’s not what they do. They are too busy, one by one, digging the ditch. They willingly leave the marching to special interest agitators who take solace in victimhood. You know who the malcontents are. Every country has them. No one of substance encourages them or takes them seriously, do they? Well, no one except the Democrat Party. Oh, yes, and NBC, CBS ABC, CNN, MSNBC, Hollywood, Academia, Department of Education, the ABA, ADL, NAACP and Move On, to mention a few. Sarcasm aside, anyone who loves freedom and the American ideal, should act — now — and exercise constitutional power — absolute power — to confront a very clear and present danger. Failing to do so is not cowardice or suicide, but a betrayal of those whom you owe everything, past, present and future. There’s been enough inconsequential talk. Hannity, Limbaugh, The Heritage Foundation and all the other so-called “conservative” talk shows and think tanks combined, may help elect a president; but in the end, they accomplish zilch. In the end, they do what you do during relaxed good times. Bellyache. To what end?


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