It Takes A Calamity.

The emails keep on comin’. The NRCC sends them. The NRSC sends them. You know who they are. Sure you do. Or possibly you don’t. Let’s see . . . . how to put it. They both are a type of money laundering operation. They send emails advising that your membership is in jeopardy and that worries them greatly since you’re a very important person. Your membership has meant so much to them over many years. They say you’re part of the inner circle. But if you don’t reply immediately with a generous donation, that membership will expire at midnight tonight. But, strangely, it doesn’t. The reason it doesn’t? Because you’re too valuable as a Charter member and they choose to give you a reprieve — every day going on three years now. That’s a few thousand reprieves. Death row lodgers would kill for this sort of high regard. You must be some type of god to deserve all that attention. Your friends don’t seem to treat you as if you’re anything close to godlike. Somebody’s confused. Before you admit to having a deified connection, you feel you must first experience a transcendent, celestial encounter. Any day now. Meanwhile, the National Republican Senate Committee and the National Republican Congressional Committee don’t need the verification. They want your money to give to GOP candidates that the committees choose to run for office against those meanie don’t-play-fair Democrats. The emails are urgent. Very often, they are “authored” by bigwigs like Rove, Nunes, McCarthy, Gingrich, McConnell — really, too many top guns to list. The messages are compelling.

“Now that Democrats hold the majority in Congress, they are also leveraging their power to block the successes of our conservative agenda.”

“Triple Match Alert. If we fail to meet this critical deadline, we will not only miss our goal, but we will be thrown off course from setting a strong precedent for the next two years.”

“Your support plays a vital role in our ongoing fight to defeat Democrats and support President Trump’s conservative agenda. Become a card-carrying 2019 Charter Member today to support our Senate Republican Majority.”

Triple Match is a pretty powerful incentive, even for a budding god. Giving a $1000 yields $3000. Fork out ten grand? Oooh, doggie. You happen to know donors who do give major bucks to the GOP. You wonder if they, like you, are destined to be anointed in the here or the Hereafter. But, then, in a moment of rare lucidity, you put aside self absorption and gain insight into the psychology of mass delusion. The GOP doesn’t think you’re a force to be reckoned with, much less a god. It thinks — it knows — you’re a Fool — a submissive Fool at that — to be manipulated — perpetually. And you are. And not just you, but the great throng of other American fools who believe the GOP is standing toe to toe in the bloody political ring, protecting the inviolate principles of the Great American Idea. As Bernie Madoff knew and still knows, decent people are criminally gullible, to a fault. Hitler proved it in Germany. While Bernie does time, the GOP and the rest of the Federal syndicate run an epic Ponzi scheme impersonating as a Constitutional Republic. When the Gutless Old Party had total power, it did nothing. As losers in the House, it does nothing but ask for more money to be better at — you guessed it — doing nothing. It doesn’t have the President’s back without figuratively sticking a knife in it. The GOP banks on your sticking around to support the lesser of two evils. Evil is evil, friend. You entertain a theory that the stupid American people should elect Kamala Harris in 2020 and just let the DEMS rule.  Be done with it. Make Ocasio Cortez economic advisor and Elizabeth Warren head of the State Department. Vote for full bore Socialism. Get there quickly, not by drips and drabs, like a hospital patient on life support. Let’s go ahead and bring White America down. Once and for all, dump the Founders in favor of Che Obama. Put the Femme Nazis in charge. Let the dumb people get their fill of a genuine dictatorship. America is already more than halfway there and doesn’t even know it, busily liking itself on Facebook. You won’t be the first to recognize that it takes a calamity to forge a renaissance. Hopefully, the calamity won’t be a hot civil war. A deep Depression might qualify. By the time it does come to some kind of war, the good news is the GOP surely will have been replaced by an organization with spine. And you can say goodbye to these wearisome and insulting  emails. Hallelujah.



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