The Donald has the media moguls and political analysts sweating and swearing because he’s just a thin-skinned, name-calling, juvenile who has no clue about anything; and his public speaking skills don’t belong on a street corner, much less the international stage. He is, in fact, the antithesis of one Barack Obama — a person who swept into power on the wings of oratory, on a public speaking (or reading) ability that charmed and coaxed and soothed millions of wide-eyed, adoring nitwits. Beyond talk, Obama has an empty resume, devoid of material contribution. Obama talks, Donald does. Obama plays golf. Donald builds golf courses. Obama spends taxpayer millions. Donald makes his own millions. Obama frowns on American supremacy. Donald loves American greatness. Obama is a Marxist but denies it. Donald is a Capitalist and proclaims it. Obama hides his college transcripts. Donald is an open book. Yet, this comparison apparently doesn’t resonate with the pundits who question Donald’s qualifications. Perhaps because Obama had dark skin and a dulcet delivery, no one dared question things so trivial as his suitability, experience, attainment, competency or accomplishment. In effect, to use the tritest of terms, talking the talk is infinitely more admirable than walking the walk. it was true in 2008 and 2012 and true today. Donald can not articulate the issues in a way that satisfies the pundits. He is no Obama. He’s no Rubio — who doesn’t miss a syllable when he forcefully and glibly outlines his understanding of all the issues — issues he’s been discussing every day as part of his job in committee meetings and hearings with colleagues who talk and travel and meet and talk. He’s no Carson whose calm, gentle non-confrontational demeanor overrides his critics. He’s no Fiorina who doubtless earned an A+ in Advanced Speech 400, as she prepared and practiced and rehearsed to deliver core beliefs in her sleep. He’s no Cruz who sharpened his debate skills as an advocate before none other than the Supreme Court. Of course, Trump doesn’t care about the realities of presidential politics and that dismissal will very likely dismiss him. In his gut, he probably thinks people will place more value on his get-it-done experience and excuse him for his adolescent rhetoric. He should take another gut check. Because getting elected is not about having an accomplished life and proven leadership skills — it’s about sounding as if you know what you’re talking about; it’s about speaking skills; it’s about persuasiveness; it’s about like-ability. “It’s about Politics, Donald. And nobody in power on any side of any aisle wants you, Donald, because you’re not one of them. They want you to go away and maybe come back to visit with your checkbook.” Meanwhile, there are some Trump supporters who want to see him become President for one simple reason — to see him in action at his White House News Conferences — knowing for sure that it would preempt the need for Live, this is Saturday Night.