You couldn’t be happier. No, that’s not strong enough. Jubilant. Yes, that comes closer to your level of euphoria. After all your whining about Republicans, after non-stop criticism of their cowardice, you gasped as leading GOP lawmakers found their courage and stood bravely to denounce The Man — the top guy — the autocrat they say has repeatedly demonstrated he’s unfit for office. Finally, the GOP is ferocious, unyielding and unified. And when they finish hammering Trump, the experience may actually give them the backbone to someday face off with Barak Obama. But don’t hold your breath. Instead, you might want to put aside opinions, theories and prejudices — and acknowledge the obvious. Clearly, every political insider opposes The Donald. Nearly every media pundit opposes The Donald. The Republican leadership, including Ryan, McConnell, the RNC and former GOP kingpins oppose The Donald. The White House called for him to step aside, suggesting that his Muslim talk disqualified him for public office. Other Democrats, including Clinton, gleefully followed suit. GOP presidential rivals converged on him like hyenas feeding on a wildebeest carcass. Trump’s long list of crimes can’t be ignored. He wants to build a wall on the Southern border. He wants to deport illegal aliens. He wants to suspend immigration of Syrian refugees, in particular, and Muslims, in general. He wants to defeat ISIS. he wants to strengthen America’s economic foreign policy. He wants to balance America’s budget. He wants to reduce the size of the Federal bureaucracy. He want to eliminate the national debt. He wants to revitalize the economy and “make America great again.” You may have missed something, but these seem to be his primary themes. Shame on him. Loretta Lynch may put him on her hit list for “hate speech.” Apparently, the entire Washington power structure, supported by Big Media, thinks Trump’s verbal crimes are more unacceptable than Hillary Clinton’s physical crimes. Apparently, it’s not OK for an American citizen to speak his mind, but it’s perfectly OK for the Secretary of State to abandon four Americans to die in Benghazi. Apparently, the Department of Justice, the Media and the Beltway have their eyes on Trump’s “hate speech,” but turn a blind eye to Clinton’s lawbreaking and national security violations. Apparently, wrong talk disqualifies Trump, but committing a crime and violating her oath of office qualifies Clinton to be Commander In Chief. Apparently, the GOP suddenly has become red blooded in destroying The Donald; but in seven years of the Obama dictatorship, displayed a prodigious yellow streak in dealing with the person intent on destroying America. You must ask why. Trump didn’t take the national debt to 18.5 trillion. He didn’t give us Obamacare. He didn’t create ISIS. He didn’t invent illegal immigration. He didn’t weaken America’s military. He didn’t put 93 million Americans out of work. He didn’t put 50 million people on food stamps. He didn’t populate the Federal administration with an unprecedented number of Muslim bureaucrats. He didn’t expand crony capitalism. Trump did none of it. But Obama did. Clinton did. Representatives did. Senators did. The Supreme Court did. You must find it ironic — the people responsible for America’s decline are throwing the heaviest stones at someone who wasn’t even there. Donald, however, is guilty as charged for one unforgivable sin — throwing political correctness down the toilet and daring to spend his own money to seek public office. He must be loony. The Beltway Club simply won’t allow him anywhere near the WH. The American people be damned.