Let’s hear it for the Dark Side. Where would Goodness be without Sin to kick around? Take away evil, corruption and vile behavior, and this country would qualify for third-world status. If everyone walked the straight and narrow, did the right thing morally, spiritually, physiologically and psychologically—why, for Goodness sake, the gross national product would drop precipitously. Thud. Millions of jobs devoted to bettering mankind. Gone. Millions of jobs dedicated to punishing mankind. Axed. Millions of jobs consecrated to healing mankind. Slashed. Millions of jobs directed to governing mankind. Eliminated. Innately, we must be aware of our dependence on iniquity and misfortune. Somehow we know it’s okay for good guys to win as long as bad guys survive to once again flourish. As we mobilize thousands of sects and societies to benefit the unfortunate among us, we can be sure their numbers will grow exponentially. Were it not so, it would be the end of Oprah and her ilk. Goodbye Sally. And what would the boob tube be without COPS and GANGLAND and COURT TV? You get the picture. So give Old Harry his due. We need him and his cohorts to give birth to our heroes, to fuel our great achievements—to, in fact, help us learn the Meaning of Life. Anyhow, we need the jobs.