You are fully aware that you’re ignorant — of many things. Actually of most things. Unlike Rambo, you have no clue how to field-stitch a gaping laceration, much less perform brain surgery. You’re ignorant of giving birth, although some transgenders apparently have figured it out. You can’t build a combustion engine, operate a flying machine or decipher quantum mathematics. You are fluent in only one language. But, as ignorant as you are, you know precisely why America, immersed in Woke, Cancel Culture, Critical Race Theory, Black Lives Matter and Gender “crusades,” has lost its ever loving mind. The diagnosis is simple. There is a culprit, a beast actually, living in every American home. Look no further than America’s Media Cabal. The cabal has many members, including Big Press, Big Tech and Big Entertainment (Hollywood). But the Cabal’s arch-villain? None other than the Big Kahuna — American Television. Without the Boob Tube, what now appears to be ongoing, nationwide applause for everything Woke would instead be a giant Ho-Hum. Without the Boob Tube, hundreds of millions of people in thousands of communities would be clueless about BLM and every other radical gang. All the virtue signaling bullies — the corporate CEOs, university chancellors, entertainment moguls and cowardly politicians — all could signal their asses off till doomsday with little, if any, effect. Colin (I love to kneel) Kaepernick and his racist followers on and off the field, would play to only one audience — the faithless fans who stupidly pay for tickets. Without the Idiot Box, you don’t suggest that Hollywood, Big Tech and Education fascists would discontinue waving the CRT flag and every other Marxist banner. Sure they would, with the help of, who else, federal and state politicians. But their bunk could never reach into every home, 24-7. And except for carrying morning obits, newspapers are basically dead. Before television, politics was a local, and sometime, state affair. Before television, your average voter couldn’t care less what a Hollywood celebrity thought about anything. Before television, your average voter just happened to think the word “gay” meant “cheerful.” Before television, children were not fed a daily diet of violence, explicit sexual content and gutter profanity. Before television, newspapers and radio were respected news outlets. Newspapers were so corny they actually respected journalistic standards for something called “the truth.” Before television, an entire population was not subject to mass brainwashing. You do get the message, don’t you Matilda? As an American, you assume radical minority uprisings have the backing of the people, coast to coast. You perceive that the majority is OK with de-funding the police and tearing down historical statues. That 40% of Americans are OK with Joe Biden as the leader of the free world. That white America is guilty of systemic social injustice and racism. That a transgender male should frequent the Ladies room. You think everyone has bought into Woke, lock, stock and barrel. Well, if you believe any of it, you’re knee-walking drunk on Kool-Aid. The vast majority, including millions of Democrats who pulled the lever for Benedict Biden, don’t believe in or endorse Marxist driven tripe. There is no national rebellion or referendum that is sympathetic to Woke, Cancel Culture, CRT, BLM, etc. What there is — is this: An insistent, unrelenting determination by American Television to fabricate a myth. With carefully designed programming, advertising and “news,” Big Television has shaped a massive lie — a lie that America is Woke, that what you hear and see is the Truth. Quickly, to those reading with clenched teeth, you would be the first to say that Television offers an abundance of worthwhile content and benefit. The entertainment value is dazzling. But excuse me; TV provides value out of its self interest, like the philanthropist whose generosity obscures all manner of sinister wrongdoing. But, most important, gone missing among Television’s reputable content is the historic responsibility of a “free press.” For generations, the American people relied on a free press to preserve and protect, to speak truthfully and objectively, to hold Washington accountable for its crimes. That responsibility is MIA. The lead dog of Big Media is corrupt. Corrupt absolutely. Corrupt defiantly. Without Television, the people would be encouraged to look inward — to solve local problems face to face, and raise their kids responsibly without leaving them to the “conditioning” of leftist PBS. Constitutionally, Americans were meant to walk freely — not march in lock-step. Being free is not possible with State-run Television. Ask the Russians or the Chinese or any other people who live under the Boot.